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Jordan's POV
I was getting really bored when I had a great idea. "Who wants to have a party?" I ask rubbing my hands together like I had an evil plan to rule the world. "We did that last week. Can't we do something else for once?" Danny suggested. "Nope! George, what about you?" I ask. "No." "I second that." Jorel said getting the milk from the fridge. "Dylan, please?" I ask giving him the puppy dog eyes. "I guess we can go to the bar or something." "Yay! I'll go get ready." Dylan and I got ready. Then I got the keys to the car and we left.
Time Skip
We arrived at the bar. Dylan and I went inside and I got the drinks. Soon we got really drunk and we passed out on the couch.

Lora's POV
I was at the bar with my best friend Linda. I saw two guys passed out on the couch. I immediately recognized them. They were Charlie Scene and Funny Man from my favorite band Hollywood Undead. I just had to tell Linda. I told her and she was as excited as I was. We went up to them. I took Jordan and she took Dylan and we took them to the car. Soon we got to my house and I decided that we'd put them in the basement.

The Next Day

Dylan's POV
I woke up in a place I didn't recognize. "Jordan?" I asked shaking him lightly. "W-what happened? Where are we?" He asked still a bit tired. "I don't know, but I do know we aren't in the same place as last night." I answered. "I'm gonna call Danny."

Danny's POV
I woke up an realized that Dylan and Jordan still weren't back yet. I started to get worried. Then my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, it's me, Dylan." "Where are you?" "I'm not sure, but I need you and the others to help find us." "O-okay." I stuttered "Don't worry. We'll find you. I promise." "Guys get up!" "Why?" Jorel whined. "We need to find Dylan and Jordan." "Where are they?" George asked. "I don't know, but we'll find them. We have to. Now get in the car, we gotta go." We got in the car and then we left on our long journey to find the boys.

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