Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

She looked straight at his chest so as to avoid his smoldering gaze. "Why are you doing this to me?"

His fingers stilled. He honestly didn't know why he did anything in regards to her, just that he did what felt natural, and being with her and touching her felt as natural to him as breathing, but he wasn't going to tell her that. Instead, he pulled back. "I don't know. We should go. I am sure they are waiting for us."

Hope reluctantly allowed him to take her arm, disappointed that he hadn't said more, that he couldn't admit to feeling some sort of connection between the two of them. But of course he wouldn't, not when he was in love with Eliza. Her heart hurt, and she wondered if the pain would ever go away or if her life with him would be a constant reminder of how she could never have all of him, that she would always share him with someone else.

She tried to force a smile to her lips as she entered the dining room, the long table almost completely filled with guests. She found it easier to smile once she caught a glimpse of Eliza eyeing them with disdain. She might not have Pierce's heart, but she would be his wife and have his name, and that was something that Eliza would never have. That thought at least helped to cheer her slightly.

Pierce sat her down between Elliot and an older gentleman she had yet to be introduced to, before going and sitting across from her between Eliza and her sister Alice. Eliza leaned over and placed a hand on Pierce's arm and whispered something in his ear before laughing flirtatious. Hope couldn't stand to watch them together, to see her touching Pierce. She briefly allowed herself to think of him kissing Eliza the way he had kissed her, and her stomach churned, the thought making her ill.

To distract herself from the bothersome scene, she turned to Elliot. "Good evening, Lord Martineau, might I say that you are looking exceptionally handsome tonight?" And she wasn't lying. Elliot looked perfectly rakish in his silver waistcoat and black jacket, his hair slightly longer than what was fashionable and his eyes as blue as a clear summer sky.

"Of course, Milady, as long as I am allowed to return the compliment. You are looking good enough to eat; maybe we should skip dinner and just feast on you!" Hope could not help the laughter that escaped her throat at his ridiculous remark. She knew by the way that he had delivered said compliment that he was teasing as always, but though it had annoyed her yesterday, tonight she found his antics to be the perfect antidote to distract her from Pierce and Eliza.

Across the table Pierce watched Noelle laugh at something Elliot had said, and he had the strong desire to slug him. He felt annoyed that she was laughing with him and enjoying his company when she had made it clear earlier that she could not stand him. He watched as Noelle leaned in closer to Elliot and said something that made him laugh in return. They seemed to be getting along much better than they had yesterday and it annoyed Pierce to no end.

As the dinner progressed, his mood grew darker. Noelle hadn't glanced in his direction once the entire evening, being completely wrapped up in Elliot, who was performing animatedly for his rapt audience of one. Instead, he had to listen to endless chatter from Eliza and her even more boring sister Alice. Eliza took every opportunity she could to brush up against Pierce. He would feel her legs pressing to his thighs under the table or she would casually rub one of her bare shoulders up against him as she would lean in to tell him something mundane. Truthfully, he hadn't heard a word she had said all night,and each time she made physical contact with him, he felt his skin crawl. It was hard for him to believe that there had ever been a time when he had craved her affections.

At one time when she had placed her hand on top of his, while laughing obnoxiously at some story she was relating, he reached over and placed his other hand on top of hers, with the intent of removing it from his person. Before he had a chance to move it, Noelle looked over, her eyes widening at the sight of his hand on top of Eliza's, and she quickly looked away. Perfect, he thought as he removed her hand from his and sat back and folded his arms across his chest.

He had no idea that Noelle had been introduced to Eliza until she turned to make conversation with his side of the table for the first time the entire meal by saying, "So tell me Lady Norton, how do you and the duke know each other? You seem quite comfortable together."

Pierce's face blanched as Eliza flashed a dazzling, if insincere smile. "Mine and Pierce's relationship goes way back to when we were both children, doesn't it darling?" Before he could answer she continued, "With our family's estates bordering each other, we were practically raised together. Pierce had such a boyish crush on me, didn't you darling?" Of course, she didn't let Pierce answer before she was babbling on once more. "It was only natural that as we got older that we would fall in love." She turned doe eyes on him then and Hope was sorry she asked.

Pierce's poke, "Darling," he ground out acidly, "would you like me to tell them how the story ends?" He took delight in the putrid shade of green her face went, knowing that revealing her true character had not been part of her plan.

It did not take long, however, for her to gather her wits about her and remark coyly, "I wouldn't be so quick to divulge the ending of our story yet, I didn't think it had been written."

Hope rose to her feet suddenly, causing her chair to scratch loudly across the floor, as the entire table turned to look at her with curious expressions. She turned to Elliot and said, "It's feeling quite oppressive in here. Would you mind strolling with me through the gardens so I can get some fresh air?"

"Of course, My Lady, I would be delighted." He rose and took her arm, placing it into the crook of his elbow, as he led her out of the dining room and into the black inky night.

As soon as they were out of sight, Hope dropped her hand from his arm and groaned, looking up at the stars that were sparkling like the diamonds and jewels that graced the lady's necks inside. She was so frustrated she felt like screaming, and had she been alone, she just might have. Elliot sat on a marble bench, his forearms resting on his thighs and watched her with humor in his eyes.

When Hope no longer had the desire to scream, she went and perched on the bench next to him and said, "I can't stand Lady Norton, or your lovely friend Pierce for that matter." Her chin jutted out defiantly, as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Elliot laughed, thinking she looked like a child pouting. "I do not caremuch for Lady Norton myself, but Pierce isn't so bad a fellow, besides the fact that he's much more arrogant and better looking than myself."

"You've got that right."

Elliot looked wounded, "You admit that he is better looking than I?"

Color suffused Hope's cheeks as she stammered, "Do not put words into my mouth."

"I didn't have too." He looked at her shrewdly. "Tell me you haven't fallen in love with Pierce. Have you?"

Hope looked away, embarrassed that he'd see the truth etched on her face. "I'm not that great of a fool. Besides, what would it dofor me to fall in love with a man who is in love with somebody else?"

Elliot was taken aback. "Surely you aren't implying that Pierce is in love with Eliza? That is preposterous!"

"Is it?"

"Of course! He was in love with her once, but that was a long time ago, and believe me, he would never be stupid enough to fall in love with her again."

For one brief moment her heart lightened before his next words sent it crashing into her stomach once more. "For that matter, he would never be stupid enough to fall in love with any girl ever again. He learned his lesson well the first time."

"That's horrible."

Elliot gave her one long assessing look before asking, "Is it? For whom? Him or you."

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