He reached for her hand instead, watching as she stared at his extended hand before offering hers in return. He took her hand and raised it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on it before saying, "It just so happens I'm waiting for Lord Brattondale to arrive. Let me help you to the drawing room where we can take a look at your foot." He made to help her to her feet and watched as she grimaced in pain. Without thinking, he scooped her into his arms and carried her into the drawing room, depositing her gently on a rose damask settee.

"Thank you, but that was hardly necessary, I am sure I could have managed the few feet it took to get in here." Hope felt her face burn with embarrassment. She looked up into the dark eyes of the stranger and couldn't believe she had allowed him to hold her in his arms, but then again, he hadn't given her much choice in the matter. She looked down at her hands resting in her lap, mortified that he was seeing her dressed so indecently. Who was the man anyway?

Before she knew what he was doing, he was kneeling before her, reaching to take her injured foot into his hand. She gasped and tried to pull back but his grip was firm and unyielding.

"What are you doing?" she squeaked, highly unnerved by the feel of his large hand on her bare foot.

"You took a bad tumble, and I think you may have sprained your ankle. I think you should take it easy and stay off of it for awhile. Of course, I am no doctor. It is merely a suggestion."

Pierce continued to inspect her ankle, sure that it was not hurt beyond a minor sprain but unwilling to take his hands from her soft, smooth skin, despite the indecency of the gesture.

Finally, Hope pulled back. "That is quite enough, thank you." She waited as he stood once more, noting his impeccable attire—he was dressed to perfection in tan breeches that accented long, muscular legs. She briefly noted that one of his thighs was almost as thick as her waist before continuing her observation of his attire; he wore a dark waistcoat and jacket with an expertly tied cravat that appeared even starker next to his dark skin. Every inch of him looked flawless. She noticed how perfect his jacket was tailored to fit snuggly across his broad shoulders without appearing too tight.

The stranger seemed to find her appraisal of him humorous, as he watched her with one eyebrow cocked. When her eyes came to settle on his face, he smirked. "See something you like?"

Her face flamed once more. She would never admit to him that she found his dark, roguish looks wildly appealing. He was a magnificently made specimen, something her wildest imagination could not have conjured. Instead, she took the offense. "I was just wondering who you might be and what you are doing in my house?"

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Pierce Chadwick, the Duke of Kerrington. And who might you be?" Though he was almost positive he knew, he still had to ask.

Hope gasped, her eyes widening in alarm. So this was the Duke of Kerrington, the man she was now expected to marry in Noelle's place. Her palms began to sweat and her thoughts raced. She had pictured a stodgy middle-aged duke, not an outrageously handsome man with a wicked glint in his dark eyes. How would she ever be expected to be wed to such a man?

While her thoughts were racing, the duke asked once more, "May I ask who you might be?"

"Oh! Pardon me, Your Grace, I just did not expect...I mean, I thought that...oh forget it. I am Lady Noelle." It felt odd referring to herself as someone other than Hope, but she knew from here on out that Hope was dead to her and that Lady Noelle would be her only identity.

Though he had expected her to confirm his suspicions that she was indeed Lady Noelle, he found he was still partially dreading that he might be mistaken and that she would end up being a younger sister or cousin. He was at once relieved and oddly delighted until he remembered she was just another spoiled lady of the ton, most likely with nothing more to offer him but a pretty face. Not that he would complain, at least luck had favored him with a beautiful future wife.

Deceiving the Duke of KerringtonWhere stories live. Discover now