I screamed out in pain.

"Y/n!" it was Lance's voice. I froze when I heard it, "Don't try to go through it anymore, it'll only hurt more." 

"I have to help you!" I yelled, going towards the barrier again with more force this time, again the shock came, since it was a greater force that I attacked with the force of the shock was worse. I tried not to scream. I could hear them talking about how the gravity was getting worse and they were falling further down and couldn't get up because of the strong downwards pull that was being caused by the shield around the planet.

"Y/n!" Keith's voice yelled, I looked up at my screen seeing him come up in the corner.

"I'm coming to you. Follow me." I nodded and looked back, Keith surely was coming towards me. Controlling my ship, I moved over to him.

"Where were you?" He asked while he was now flying beside me.

"I don't think that this is the best time to talk about it."


After her reply about this not being the best time, I looked forward, the attack by the Galra was growing and they were shooting with more force.

"What's that on the front of the ship?" The Rebel commander asked.

"It looks like some sort of cannon or something," Y/n replied, "I bet that's what's causing the shield on Naxcella."

"We need to shut it down." Matt replied.

"It looks like a shield just like the one on Naxcella is on the cannon." The rebel leader observed.

Y/n started to shoot at it, soon multiple of us were while the others were protecting the ones who were trying to shut down the shield from other Galra attacks.

"This forcefield is too strong, we can't break it." Matt yelled, you could easily hear the panick in his voice.

"Maybe not with our weapons." I said I knew that Y/n knew what I was thinking since she gasped.

"Keith, don't you dare do what you're thinking of. It's completely insane."  She yelled angrily.

"Keith, no!" Matt yelled after her.

"Keith, please don't do this."  Y/n argued, her voice was panicked and pained.

"I have to." I turned around from when I thought it was a good distance away.

"Then I'm not letting you do this. Not alone." Y/n added. I opened my eyes and yelled a quick 'no'. As soon as the words escaped my mouth and I was almost at the shield, an explosion pushed Y/n and I back.

"Good job, guys." Shiro replied he didn't realize that Y/n and I almost killed ourselves to stop the shield.

"Shiro, that wasn't us." 

I added on to what Y/n was saying, "It was Lotor. His laser was the only thing strong enough to break it."

"Paladins of Voltron." We could hear his voice, "I know in the past we've had our differences. I think it's time we have a talk."

Y/n (This is all what I'm adding on, I have no clue what will actually happen in the show)

After the battle we were all going to the castle, in Shiro's lion was Lotor, he was chained up until we decided if we were going to take up his offer.

Excitedly I stepped out of my ship and onto the castle floor. I looked around until I saw Lance come out of his hanger.

"Lance." I sighed, running over to him and hugging him tightly, I felt the stinging behind my eyes before tears came out, "I missed you so much." I cried.

"I knew you were still there, I never stopped looking for you, Y/n." His voice wavered too. with that sentence my thoughts from when I was held captive were all confirmed, he was still looking for me.
We hugged for what we both knew was a couple minutes but to us only felt like a couple seconds.

I pulled my head from it's resting spot on his shoulder and looked up at him, he had a wide smile on his face and a tear stain on his cheeks, without hesitation he pressed his lip to mine. The kiss was gentle and smooth.

Our moment was ruined when we heard the other paladins shouting my name. I pulled away and turned to see Hunk and Pidge running at me, Pidge jumped up and hugged me with enough force that I fell to the ground. Not once did I stop laughing or smiling.

"I missed you so much." She was crying now too, Hunk started crying too which honestly I wasn't surprised about. I hugged them both tightly before moving onto Coran, Allura, and Shiro. I turned when I heard footsteps.

Keith was standing in the hallway.

I ran to him, we both didn't say a word but it didn't matter since we both knew what the other wanted to say.

When I pulled form the hug, I slapped his cheek a bit. He held it with a confused look.

"That was for being such an idiot out there and for scaring me. Don't you ever almost kill yourself again." I scolded him and he nodded, "I missed you, you idiot." I smiled.

I looked around to the others, I was with my team and family again.

Okay guys, this was the last chapter BUT there will be an epiloge coming out, likely tomorrow.

Remember You | Lance X Fem Reader (Voltron)Where stories live. Discover now