Chapter 1-Sorry

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Cloud was fighting Kadaj at a speed he never even went to fighting Sephiroth, Cloud's blade just missed Kadaj's head and he was determined to eliminate him. There blades clashed together going all directions. Kadaj pulled out a box that he took from someone and he opened and within seconds he transformed into Sephiroth. Cloud could not believe what he was seeing and he tried to attack from in the air and he jumped up and landed on Sephiroth's blade and went right through him and he bled but was not hurt enough to die. Sephiroth slashed his sword downwards to knock Cloud off and he went down to finish Cloud but before he knew he felt a sharp pain in his gut and he looked down and Cloud's sword went right through him and he let out one final breath and then Cloud tore his blade out and the corpse floated up and transformed back into Kadaj. Kadaj landed on the ground standing and dizzy and he tried to hit Cloud with his sword but missed and he let go of his sword and he fell but Cloud caught him and he knelt down waiting. Kadaj glanced up and he said weakly,"b-brother...I'm sorry...I just want mother to be happy...I'm'm...s-sorry."
Kadaj shut his eyes, and Cloud looked surprised and before he could say anything he felt something shoot halfway through him. He turned his head and saw Yazoo and Loz and they looked mad that their mother was gone and they were about to shoot again when Kadaj woke up hardly and he tried to shout saying,"stop!"
Yazoo and Loz slowed there pace, but little did they know that Cloud's backup was there. Ropes bound them fast and they were held by Reno and Rude and Tifa came and said,"kill there leader Cloud, we will deal with the other two."
Cloud shook his head and peered at Kadaj and Kadaj was back in a sleeping trance and Cloud looked at Tifa and he said,"Tifa, take those two, too a jail and let me handle Kadaj, I'm giving him a take the other two, I will handle him."
Tifa never shook her head nor nodded, instead she just listened to Cloud hoping he knew what he was doing.
Cloud dragged Kadaj to his motor bike and he had Kadaj's arms draped over his shoulders and he hoped when they get to Cloud's home, Kadaj would not try to kill Cloud in his sleep. They were nearly there and Cloud glanced at Kadaj every minute to make sure he hasn't woken up yet and most of the time he was safe. They arrived at Clouds place and Cloud carried Kadaj off the motor bike and into his house. Cloud laid Kadaj on a bed in a nearly empty room and he sat in a chair and he waited.
An hour later Cloud watched as Kadaj's eyes twitched and he stood up waiting. Then Kadaj opened his eyes and he sat up and said,"w-where am I..?" Then he looked around and he saw Cloud."brother...I....I'm sorry, I just wanted my mother to be happy...forgive me."
Kadaj cried knowing he failed finding and making his mother happy and now he's stuck with the person who defeated Sephiroth. Cloud walked closer to Kadaj and he put his hand on Kadaj's shoulder and he said,"apology accepted...I would have killed you if you never apologized at the end of battle."
Cloud grabbed a kleenex and he passed it to Kadaj. Kadaj wiped away his tears and blew his nose and he looked back at Cloud and his eyes sparkled from all his tears and he could not hold himself away from it and he stood up and without even thinking he hugged Cloud and muttered,"sorry...sorry...I'm so sorry."
Cloud put his arms around Kadaj and he saw how much heart Kadaj truly had. Kadaj could not help but squeeze Cloud tighter over anger and sadness and he cried more thinking about everything that he has done and how he failed. Soon enough he let go of Cloud and sat back down and he wiped his eyes clear of tears and he said again,"sorry."
Cloud sat down beside him and he put his arm around him and he said,"I already said I accept your apology and-"
Kadaj never let Cloud finish cause he stood up and turned around and pushed Cloud down onto the bed and he pushed down on Cloud to hold him down and he cried and he was face to face with Cloud and he cried,"I-I can't be forgivin', after all the people I murdered and after all the times hurting you...*sob*...I won't even forgive"
Kadaj got off of Cloud and he sat on the edge of the bed crying. Cloud got up and sat back beside him and he wanted Kadaj to forgive himself. "Please...stop crying, Kadaj I forgive you and if I didn't I would have killed you that moment you first said it. Please stop, stop blaming yourself...cause not all descendants of chaos need to be killed."
Kadaj pulled away and he turned his back to Cloud and he cried,"I killed many others...I should be executed, brother."
Cloud stood up and he walked to Kadaj and he put his hand on Kadaj's shoulder and tried to wipe away Kadaj's tears but he continued to cry. Cloud could not comfort Kadaj though he should be punishing him but that would make things worse. Cloud pulled Kadaj into him and he said,"stop need to man up, I give everyone that deserves a chance, a chance."
Tifa was eavesdropping outside of the door listening to what Cloud and Kadaj were talkin' and cryin' about and she murmured just so she could here herself,"seems like he's gonna be stayin' around here...descendent of chaos."
"I don't deserve a chance...I don't." Kadaj cried.
Cloud was getting tired of the crying so he wanted to put an end to it so he said a little angrily,"my final choice Kadaj, I forgive you and..."he calmed his tone."you're livin' with it, now stop cryin'."
Kadaj took a deep breath and wiped his tears and he sat up completely and turned over to cloud and he said,"fine, I will live with you...and I will let you forgive me."

Childhood Stories I wrote (4th-6th Grade) Where stories live. Discover now