It was very hard not to be jealous of her best friend. Iris whose assigned husband was a childhood friend she’d always had a crush on. Iris, who could fail tests and miss school and not have to worry because her parents could smooth it out with a click of there smooth, manicured fingers.

Yes it was hard not to be jealous of her friend, but she was the only one she had so Kyra put up with her slightly snobby and very spoilt ways.

Sighing Kyra tucked a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear and continued to listen in awe to the tall, smart looking MT.

“- and so The Tower was formed and with The Order in charge peace withheld for many years. However small mishaps and petty crimes still continue and it’s our job to take care of it and keep The New World working smoothly......”

“Pssst”, Kyra heard Iris hiss.

“Huh?” she whispered.

“Im sooooooo bored”, Iris whined.

Kyra growled exsasperatly, when was Iris ever not bored.

“We’ll be out of here in ten minutes”

“But I wanna go now!” Iris moaned pouting, acting as though she was the younger of the two.

Kyra’s eyes narrowed irritably as she missed what the MT was saying.

“Well you can’t”, she snapped, “Unlike some people who have it easy” Kyra said pointedly, “I need to pass my exams if I want to become a MT!”

“You’re my best friend Kyra of course you’ll be an MT I’ll make sure of it”, Iris said as though there was no doubt about it.

“Now can we pleaaaaaaase go?” she begged.

Kyra gave up, what Iris wanted Iris got.

“Fine”, she sighed resigning herself to an afternoon of boring gossip and make-up tips.

As it turned out the time it took for Kyra to give in to Iris was long enough for the bell to ring signifying the end of the lecture, a lecture that Kyra had missed most of.

She would have to be to borrow notes off one of her classmates but the likelihood of any one actually lending them to her was slim, everyone wanted to graduate top of the class and she was currently holding that position.

“- it was very nice to be here once again and to talk to such intelligent and bright minds.” she heard the MT say as she scrambled to stuff all her papers and her thick, notebook into her overflowing backpack.

She swung the heavy bag around her shoulder, stumbling slightly at its weight before straightening out and turning to Iris who had already packed away and was jumping up and down in excitement at the thought of going home.

No many how many times she had been over to Iris’s Mansion the sheer size of it never ceased to impress her. As the Bates limousine entered the estate through the tall, black iron gates designed to keep intruders out, Kyra stared in awe at the monstrosity Iris called home.

It was absolutely huge, the white stone building sat on a large expanse of bright, green grass. It was daunting to look at with its wide, wooden doors and the numerous white, marble stairs leading up to them. The building had to have over a hundred windows and just as many rooms though why three people would need so much room was a mystery to her it just cost more to keep it running.

The inside was just as impressive as the outside was she thought as the uniformed butler ushered them in. A huge hallway led to a grand staircase that split in two directions. A ginormous, glittering, crystal chandelier shone above there heads and colourful, gilt framed paintings hung on the walls.

Servants were rushing round in a panic, carrying large vases full of exotic flowers, silver platters, embroidered napkins, champagne glasses and much more.

Kyra had never seen the house in such disarray and neither, it seemed had Iris, who was observing the chaos in disgust and shaking her head in what seemed to be disbelief.

“They were supposed to be finished setting up hours ago!” Iris exclaimed in annoyance.

“You had better be done before mother and father come home”, she shot angrily at the poor, distressed butler before stomping up the stairs, leaving Kyra to trail on after her.

Kyra followed Iris into her bright pink room. It was fit for a princess with a king sized bed that could fit at least six people covered in a white duvet and teeming with stuffed pillows of all sizes and in many different shades of pink.

There was an enormous, white marble ensuit bathroom and a walk in wardrobe that was full to the brim with clothes; some that still had there tags on them. On the floor was a fluffy pink carpet and sheaths of hot pink curtains hung above the big windows.

A huge dressing table sat in one corner brimming with various beauty products, perfumes and makeup. A tiny desk not even a quarter of the size of the dressing table was pushed against another corner and was somewhat sparse as all that sat on it was a thick, unopened text book that was collecting dust and a pot of unused pens.

All in all Iris had an amazing room though it could do with a little less pink.

“Come on Kyra”, Iris’s muffled voice called from deep inside her wardrobe, “we need to get ready for the party!”

“But it’s not for another hour, we have time don’t we?”

Iris’s flushed face popped around the door to look at her in incredulity.

“Honestly Kyra, how in The New World did you survive without me for all this time?” she asked before dragging a very reluctant Kyra into the wardrobe with her.

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