part 1

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       "Do you believe in monsters?," Jax asked the detective. Jax is only 13 and this is her first time being arrested. Well it was her first time being arrested 'here'. But more on that later.     

       "Why? Do you?," the detective answered the question with another question. The detective is a woman who looks to be in her late twenties maybe early thirties. She had deep black hair and dazzling gray eyes that seem to twinkle with the essence of life. On her uniform there is a name tag that says Kelly.
       "That doesn't answer my question. Does it Kelly?," Jax says in a monotone voice. Her Amber eyes have an evil glint to them. "Do you fear the beast that at night in the dark await their prey. Or perhaps you fear more the monsters you can't see. The ones that look exactly like you.", Jax said the last part staring directly into Kelly's eyes.
      "we are not the monsters here Jax.", Kelly answers feeling so sure that that's what Jax meant.
     "oh im not talking about you, Kelly.", Jax says an evil grin spreads across her pale face. She tilts her head to the side slightly. Some of her long auburn hair falling off of her shoulder. A look of confusion spreads across Kelly's face. Then Kelly's eye went wide in realization. She stood up and tried to leave the room but the door wouldn't budge.
       "Where do you think you're going?", Jax asked giggling slightly. Kelly looked at Jax she was completely and utterly terrified. And Jax loved it. You see, Jax fed on emotions like happiness, joy, the feeling of salvation. But she got her powers from the less pleasurable of emotions such as anger, sadness, the feeling of hopelessness.
     Kelly feels like she is suffocating. She collapse onto her hands and knees gasping for a breath that never came. Then a pure looking substance pours from her mouth and Kelly collapse onto her back her body lifeless. The light in her eyes had gone out almost instantaneously.                                            Jax looked at her lifeless body with cold unfeeling eyes. She walks over to the pure substance and holds it to her chest with the motherly care she was never given. And it absorbed into her body.  She glows a beautiful pure white but the beauty didn't last. It was slowly corroded with the true nature of Jax's soul. Suddenly the door burst open and at least ten men in suits rushed into the room. It honestly doesn't matter how many there were because the second they  entered the room they collapsed onto the floor. Dead.
   Jax had no intention of collecting their souls. They're corrupted so they're completely useless to her.

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