Suho - Warm Milk + Cookies

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This is not mine - XXX

Your daughter wasn't the easiest to put to bed every night, especially if Junmyeon wasn't there to give her a goodnight squeeze. But on Christmas Eve, she was being especially difficult, running around the apartment with too much energy for someone who should be going to bed. That's why Junmyeon nicknamed her 'Bumblebee' because she was always buzzing around, bouncing off the walls. It was already 10 o'clock and you had to visit so much family tomorrow plus cook Christmas dinner, you didn't want her to be tired.

"Oh baby, please get home soon," you pleaded to your husband, hoping he was on his way back from his schedule. Leaning against the door frame to your daughter's bedroom, you watched her wearily as she jumped up and down on her bed, cheering about how Father Christmas was on his way. "Bumblebee, I've told you. Father Christmas won't come if you're not asleep."

As soon as you moved towards her, she squealed and jumped off the bed, slipping past you and running out of her bedroom. "But I have to meet him and ask him what he thinks about the cookies I made him," she called out, bolting it around the living room like a ball in a pinball machine.

You followed her, running your hands through your hair sleepily. How was it that she had more energy than you at this time of night? "But he doesn't visit children who are still awake so you have to go to bed. Then when you wake up in the morning, Father Christmas would have eaten your cookies and left you some presents in your stocking," you explained to her, moving closer to the sofa slowly and then swinging her up into your arms when she wasn't expecting it.

"Do you really think he'll like them?" your daughter asked cutely, looking up at you with wide eyes that looked exactly like Junmyeon's.

Carrying her into her bedroom, you smiled down at her and brushed the loose strands of hair off her face. "I'm sure he'll eat each and every one," you assured her, just as a loud beeping rang through the apartment.

"Daddy!" your daughter cried out in response to the front door unlocking. She squirmed in your grip until you reluctantly placed her on the ground, and then sped up out of her bedroom to jump on her father as he walked through the door. "Daddy, you're home!"

You followed behind her, laughing a little as your bumblebee jumped into your husband's arms and squealed in delight as he swung up around in circles. "What are you still doing up Bumblebee?" he exclaimed, lifting her up above his head and then showering her in a million kisses.

"She's waiting for Father's Christmas," you explained, unfolding your arms to give your husband a welcome home kiss. "I've been trying to get her to sleep for at least an hour."

He leaned closer to give you another kiss, making it last longer as he shuffled his daughter onto his hip. "I'll sort her out. You go and put your feet up," he told you sweetly, pressing his forehead to yours before your daughter started to get rowdy from the lack of attention. Junmyeon pulled back and lifted his daughter up high. "Now why are you not asleep yet Bumblebee?" he exclaimed, carrying her back towards her bedroom.

She shrieked loudly in excitement and started giggling as your husband held her close in his arms. It was such a pretty picture, you just sat back and watched with a smile on your face. "I have to wait for Father Christmas so I can give him the cookies I made him," she explained, like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"You made cookies?" Junmyeon exclaimed brightly, his eyes widening as he laid her down on her bed. You hung back and leaned against the doorframe, watching the scene play out. "Did Mummy help?" he asked, pulling the covers up to her neck and setting up all her cuddly toys around her.

Squeezing her favourite teddy bear, she sat up, kicking the covers off with her legs. "She did the mixing and used the oven because it's really hot and it could hurt me," she said cutely, trying to stand up in bed.

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