Second Year: Part 3

Comenzar desde el principio

-Scorp, you don't have to talk like that and we'll be down in a sec I just have to...

That's when Al saw the rest of the room.

-Whoa, what happend here?

Lucy Weasley was known to be impecable, it was rare the times were her room wouldn't be perfect.

Right now, the desk had be crashed down to the floor, the bookshelf had fallen un top of the un-made bed and there was clothes everywhere.

-Luce, you okay? Last time I saw your room in such a mess was when.... oh.

Rosie intervined when she saw Scorp opening his mouth to speak. She suddently felt embaresed by her family's madness. She'd never felt embaressed by them.

-Nothing that can't be fixed -she turned around and lifted her wand-  Bauleo.

Everything flew around into the truncks that Lucy had scattered around her room.

-Thanks Rose, I'll take them downstairs, go.

As they started going down the steps, Al looked at his cousin.

-Are you going to tell us what happend or what?

Rose cast a quick glance around before speaking.

-Remember Carter Wood? Padfoot 2.0?

-The one Fifth was staring at?



Al and Rose exchanged a quick look.

-They're code names, we call each other in the numbers of the order we were born in.

Scorp had never looked so confused.


Rose started.

-Vic is First.

-Dom is Second.

-Lou is Third.

-Luce is Fourth.

-Molls is Fifth.

-Freddie is Sixth.

-Jamie is Seventh.

-Rosie is Eight.

-Al's Nineth.

-Roxy is Tenth.

-Hugo is Eleven.

-And Lils is Twelveth.


-Cause it's funny.

-Well, if you did that on my family, Teddy'd be First and I'd be Second.

-That's sad.


Scorpius just shrugged.

-It's okay, so, I don't mean to sound like a girl but, what's the deal with Carter?

Rosie bit her lip, like she always did when she wasn't sure of something.

-Carter likes Lucy.


-No way!!!

-Lower your voice.

-That is bad.

-You think I don't know that?

It was their fifth day in the Barrow, and Scorpius was still figuring out who was who.

Aparrently the blond girl who was crossing her last year was Victorie, he already knew Teddy, the redheaded girl with an attitud and who was always wearing a leather jacket or gloves was Dominique, Vic's sister, their little brother, Louis was the one who always was besides his grandmother. Molly and Lucy were the twins, Lucy was the one who always wore a ponytail and glasses. Fred and Julie were easy to distinguish, since they were always besides each other. Roxy was even more easy, since she was the only Weasley with dark brown hair. Teddy's shadow was James, Lily was the little red hair who was always in the garden and Hugo was Rose's brother, the one that was always on the kitchen.

The old woman who was knitting was Nana Molly, the man who didn't stop looking at him in a weird way was Rose's father and Hermione was easy to recocnize, same as Harry.

And then were Rose's other uncles: Bill tammed dragons, Charlie had a store in Diagon Alley and George was married to the French girl.

Or was Charlie the one who was married to Fleur?

He'd have to ask Rose latter on.

-Hey, we need a Chaser.

Said James as he tossed him a broom.

-Or are you too scared to play without a super expensive broom?

Said Julie as she passed by.

Scorpius smiled, he hadn't taken long to figure out that, in the Borrow, jokes like that were part of the routin, and he was glad that one had been directed to him.

-Let's do this.

James, Louis and Scorpius were Chasers of one team, they had Hugo  as they're Kepper, Albus was thier Seeker and Molly and Lucy were Beaters.

The other team had Dominique, Lily and Roxy as Chasers, Rose was Keeper, Teddy as Seeker and Julie and Fred as Beaters.

-Too late to join?

They all turned around from the tables they were building their strategies on to see how Ali, Pan, Carter and Josh had just arrived, probably by portkey.

Before anyone could do anything, Teddy and Lucy threw their brooms at them.

Carter caught Teddy's while Pan took Lucy's.

-Pan, have you ever even played Quidditch?

Pandora pointed at James with the broom.

-Actually, I've been told I am quite the fine Chaser.

-Okay, Louis, you make a good Beater, Pan'll be Chaser.


-I'm not losing against Carter!!! Molly, you're our best Beater, all bludgers go for Wood or for Rosie, got it?

-Yes Captain.

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