"Alright," I whispered more to myself, strawberry ice cream in hand.

Aiden walked silently in front of me, and I followed blindly. He's been silent since the ice cream incident and now I do not know how to approach him. I admit, ever since I became sort of buddies with Aiden a day ago, I thought I'd finally have a new guy best friend and I was really excited for that, but instead I learned that this guy used to be my boyfriend.

I chuckled to myself. What a joke, one moment I was convinced Aiden Walker was gay and then he went on and confessed his feelings for me. Who would have thought that I actually used to like him back?

Can I still remember my old feelings for him or the memories we shared? I will never know, but one thing is for sure. I am very confused at the moment.

I snapped out to Aiden waving his hand in front of me, "what?" I asked him, quite annoyed that he interrupted my thoughts.

"I said, do you want to go in the park," he replied as he pointed his thumb to the right, where the town's park was located.

"Alright," I replied as I followed Aiden towards the park.

It's been a long time since I visited the park this late. I noticed that they've installed lights with changing colors hanging by the trees as well. A few locals were still chilling or exercising, and the sight of them was in fact a bit refreshing.

I then noticed Aiden pointing at something at the northwest direction, and then he started to walk a bit faster, than the usual.

"Aiden where are you going-what are we going to- Hey Aiden!" I screamed and ran after Aiden as he darted away from me. The grass beneath me felt squishy and weird against my sneakers and I swear I'm going to kill Aiden Walker for this.

I finally saw him by the fountain, guitar in hand. There was a guy with unruly looking wavy hair and he looked like he was urging Aiden along. There were two other girls by the fountain and judging by their batting lashes and pouty lips, they were flirting with Aiden.

That jerk, and he allows them to flirt with him. I was still catching my breath but I didn't remove my eyesight from the scene. Aiden was now strumming the guitar; he was moving his mouth which meant that he was also singing along.

I sighed and walked towards them, causing Aiden to stop and the girls to eye me from head to toe.

"Sorry to interrupt," I said, hoping they'd sense the sarcasm.

"No worries," Aiden replied with that really annoying tone the two girls seemed to love, "I know my voice can lure the ladies in," he added with a smirk.

The comment seemed to make the two girls giggle but I rolled my eyes at him instead, "can we just go now? You even made me run through the wet grass!" I exclaimed, complete with hand gestures.

"Just chill out A, there's no need to rush," Aiden said and gave the guitar a strum, "one last song, before I go mkay?" He said to the girl with pixie cut blonde hair, she giggled some more in reply.

As soon as Aiden started to play his tune, he seemed to forgot the two girls around him and the skater guy with unruly curls or me. He was invested in only himself and the guitar and the way his fingers ran through each note was amazing.

As Aiden's song come to an end, his audience clapped their hands furiously. I found myself clapping along with them as well, and then I saw them, deep blue eyes staring back at me. I smiled at Aiden and he smiled back. Then comes pain from inside of me again. I can never bring the past back, nor can I find the feelings I've lost along with my memories.

Aiden gave the guitar back to the other guy and they did this guy hug thing with a pat at the back. He then made his way towards me and we both walked out of the park. I glanced at him, only to see him looking at me already.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asked, tucking his hands inside his jean pockets.

"Me smiling?" I replied with a light chuckle, "I-I just never thought you can sing like that," I added. I was surprised with how amazed I sounded when I complimented him.

"You used to know," he said nonchalantly, "in fact, you even..."

"I even what?" I replied.

"No, just forget I said that," he said with a sad look in his eyes.

"Aiden," I said, and I could sense the desperation in my own voice. What I was desperate about is beyond my knowledge.

Aiden stopped walking and faced me, "yeah?"

"Don't you think it's time to finally let go of the past?" I said, and as soon as I did I instantly regretted it, "I mean, not that I would never like you again or something, it's just that, wouldn't it make you happier if you just let go of what's hurting you?"

Damn I wanted to punch myself for saying that. Sometimes my impulses just gets the better of me and now I think I'm being insensitive. 

Why can't we just take back the words we've already uttered?

Aiden sighed loudly, "I've been telling that to myself for the past months Asia, but doing it isn't as easy as saying it you know? Not when the thing that's hurting you the most now is what used to make you the happiest," he said, and the lingering sadness in his voice was starting to creep up on me.

I couldn't look at him in the eye, not after what I said and what he said in return. I found myself twiddling my thumbs in a desperate attempt to avoid Aiden Walker's eyes.

"What if, I remember but I won't feel the same way anymore?" I muttered. This time I found the courage to glance at his direction, big mistake.

Aiden clenched his fists, probably in an attempt to calm himself as he was about to answer, but then someone ran past us, knocking both of us over. I unfortunately fell on the semi wet pavement and I felt the cold water seeping through my pants.

"What gives!" Aiden shouted, and he was holding some sort of purse.

"What's that?" I asked him and he just shrugged in reply.

I lifted myself up, despite the wet feeling I had in my butt and watched as Aiden examined the purse.

"I think that guy snatched this thing from a granny or something," Aiden said as he brought the purse closer to his face.

"Aiden I think you should drop that. I think we should go now as a matter of fact," I said, panic rising in my voice as I heard the sound of a siren wailing from the near distance.

Aiden still looked too dumb-stricken to function as he clutched the purse tightly in his hand and stared at me like I was a total nutcase.

"Aiden," I called out once again in desperation, "the next thing we want is the police to blame us of thievery!"

And soon enough a police car stopped right in front of us, a police man with a stereotypically huge beer belly came out of the car with handcuffs in hand.

"You two will have to come with us to the station," the policeman said,

"What?" I exclaimed, "but we didn't do anything wrong! Some dude even knocked us out and threw this granny bag at us!"

"Save it lassy," the police said in a bored tone, "you can do the explaining back at the station."

I looked to Aiden for any signs of struggle or something but aside from cursing profanities, he just willingly followed the policeman back to the car, "just do what he says A, so we do not get into more trouble," he whispered.

So I did, I got into the stupid car and prayed to all heavens that I don't get to spend my night in a jail cell.

  'Great,' I heaved a sigh as I leaned my head against the cool glass of the police car. Can't this day get any more eventful?  

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