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age 25

"Who I was at thirteen was not me. When you got your marking you didn't know who I was. At thirteen everyone gets their tattoos, I hid mine because I knew it was you and I was scared it would ruin our friendship, and you hid yours because it was a boy name. When I was fifteen I stopped wearing any feminine clothes. I even wore a tux to our grade eight grad. When I turned seventeen I came out to my grandmother and cut my hair. My parents didn't get it at first but then they saw that I was finally happy and they were happy that I was finally being open with them and not closing myself off. After I came out to you guys I went on testosterone a year later. I chose the name Keith because it is a male version of my grandmother's name, who I am named after. I wanted to keep the name because she is the most important person in the world to me. Well, one of them. And I am glad to be here today getting married to the man I love the most. Love you, Lance."

"I didn't know we were doing speeches, I have no idea how to top that," Lance said, causing all of their friends to laugh. "I mean this wedding ceremony is just us and six of our friends in our backyard, can we just pretend I said something super sweet and sophisticated, or you know what, better yet, I can show you."

A slideshow popped up on a screen filled with pictures of Keith and Lance from their childhood up to their current age. Then a video came up with Lance talking about him growing up and having a crush on Keith and how surreal it is that he was finally getting to marry the love of his life, even though he was his soulmate.

All their friends got teary-eyed at the alternate form of Lance's vows. Lance and Keith were full out sobbing into each other's arms.

"You may now kiss the groom." Coran officiated. 

Lance and Keith looked into each other's eyes and they both gleamed with happiness.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They said, sealing their love with a kiss.

thirteen ✧ KLANCEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora