Chapter One

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"I first met Doctor Shaun Murphy when I was 14 years old. I immediately picked up on his autism seeing as my sister was diagnosed when she was 4 years old. My sister is 23 years old and one of NASA's top engineers. There is no doubt in my mind that Shaun will achieve greatness, just as my sister did." I spoke on behalf of my friend. "Are you saying that it shouldn't matter if Dr. Murphy has a difference? Are you saying that it doesn't matter if someone were die on a table because he broke down during an operation?" Dr. Andrews asked. "Dr. Andrews, tell me, how many patients have you lost? I've lost two." I said. "Three, I've lost three patients." He muttered. "Melendez has lost four, you have lost three, and I have lost two. One of them was a child and the other was a mother during a cesarean section. I took a child away from there parents and a mother from her baby and her husband because I screwed up. Everyone screws up, Andrews. Even you." I said. Dr. Glassman was about to say something when a nurse came in. "Dr. Verbeck, an eight year old boy was just brought in. He was sprayed with glass shards, has a cut jugular, and a collapsed lung. But first, I think you need to watch this." She gave me a tablet. The video on the tablet depicted Shaun constructing a one-way valve and saving the boy's life. "I'd want a doctor like that in my hospital." I said to Andrews while putting my coat on and heading to the OR. Once I got there the nurses suited me up and I went inside. "How's our brave patient?" I asked. "You know he can't hear you, right?" Jared Kalu asked me. "I do know that, Kalu. But you can sense positivity even when you can't hear it. That's why it's good to always stay positive." I looked at him. "Dr. Verbeck, nice to see you." Melendez said. "I wish I could say the same, Dr. Melendez." I sighed. "Are you here to take over or just to observe?" Dr. Browne asked. "I'm here because this is a child and I am head of pediatrics. I have to be present in most procedures involving children." I told her. I turned to the heart monitor and saw that something wasn't right. "Wait, something's not right. The ECG is different." I said. "I noticed that too." Melendez said. "There was this man on the ambulance with Adam. He said he needed an echocardiogram." Claire said. "Where is he now?" I asked. "Security threw him out." She said. He managed to get thrown out of the hospital he will work at. I chuckled. "Kalu, get the Echocardiogram. Browne, come with me." Melendez ordered. "Wait! I'm coming, too. You don't know how to communicate with him." I said and walked out of the OR.
We found Shaun sitting on a bench. "Why the echocardiogram?" Melendez asked. Shaun stayed silent. Before Melendez spoke, I held my hand up, telling him to stop. "So, you suggested an Echocardiogram, Shaun. I would like to know why." I smiled at him. "I noticed that there was a slight reduction and intensity in Adam's ECG." Shaun said. "The electrical flow, I noticed that, too." I said. "The heart rate was the same but the amplitude dropped." Melendez said. Suddenly, Melendez's phone rang. "We're on our way back up." He sighed. "What's wrong?" Claire asked. "They did the echo. It was normal. Which means we just wasted our time." Melendez scoffed. He ran to the door with Claire on his tail. I turned to Shaun, who was freaking out. "Come with me." I grabbed his wrist and pulled him along back to the OR.
Turns out that Shaun was right. There was a deformity in the left atrium. And Claire was right when she suggested that a shard of glass entered through the jugular vein and made its way into the heart. As of now I am sitting in the cafe with Shaun waiting for Dr. Glassman. "You were very heroic today, Shaun." I smiled at him. "I know." He said as Dr. Glassman approached us with a tray in hand. "I don't like pickles." Shaun said. "I know, there are no pickles." Glassman said and sat down. Shaun took the salad off of the tray and set it in front of me. "I'm hungry." Shaun said and shoved the sandwich in his mouth. Glassman looked at his watch and then at me. "Board reconvenes in 45 minutes. Are you going to be okay here by your self, Shaun?" Glassman asked. He nodded. Glassman stood up and glanced at me. "I meet you there." I smiled. He nodded and walked away. "Shaun, you get this job and we go out to celebrate." I smiled. "I like that idea." He said. "Great. Oh and I need a date to the Hospital Gala." I smiled and wiggled my eye brows. "I will accompany you." He said. I giggled and kissed his cheek and made my way to the board meeting.
"We don't hire Shaun because he's autistic, what does that make us look like? It makes us look like a bunch of prejudice assholes." I scoffed. "We hire Shaun and risk the possibility that he loses it during an operation." Andrews said. "I don't believe we've heard from Dr. Murphy." Allegra Aoki stopped the pissing match between Andrews and me. "Would you like for me to bring him?" I asked. "Please?" She nodded. I got up and practically sprinted down the halls to the cafe. "Shaun, come with me. The board wants to hear from you." I grinned. His eyes went wide and stood up from the table. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the elevator. "I am nervous." He blurted. "Doctor Shaun Murphy! You have no reason to be nervous. You are smarter than everyone in this hospital. No one would have thought about the DIY one-way valve you constructed today. If it were anyone else, the boy would have died. You are a medical genius, Shaun. You will get this job." I told him sternly. The elevator opened and the board room was down the hall. When we stopped at the door room, I flattened any wrinkles in Shaun's shirt and ruffled his hair. We walked in and Shaun sat by the door. I took my seat at the table. "Dr. Murphy, I'd like to hear from you." Aoki said. He nodded and walked over to the front of the table. He was silent for a while before he began to speak. "The day that the rain smelled like ice cream, my bunny went to heaven.... in front of my eyes. When the copper pipes in the old building smelled like burnt food, my brother went to heaven in front of my eyes. I couldn't save them. It's sad. They never got to be adults and have children if they're own. That's what I want to do for other people." Shaun paused. "And I want to make a lot of money, so that I can have a television." He said with tears in his eyes. After he spoke it was almost eerie because it was so quiet. "Dr. Murphy, I would I like to be the first to welcome you to San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital." Aoki held out her and for Shaun to shake. "It's a pleasure to have you." She smiled and Shaun gently pumped his face in the air. A wave of applause grew in the board room. I stood up from my seat and walked over to Shaun. I threw my arms around his neck. "You did it, just like a knew you would." I whispered. His arms snakes around my waist and squeezed me gently. "Shaun, Melendez's team in going into surgery, if you're interested." Glassman smiled at him. Shaun walked over to Glassman. "Meet me at my car after, I'zm taking you out to celebrate." I told him. He nodded and left with Dr. Glassman. "Paging Dr. Verbeck to Delivery Room 3. Paging Dr. Verbeck to Delivery Room 3." The intercom blasted.
"Congratulations, Miss Hall. You have a beautiful baby girl." I smiled at her and handed her the baby girl. "Thank you." She smiled but at the same time she looked scared. "You wanna know something?" I looked at her. "What?" She asked. "My mother had me when she was 17 and my sister when she was 19. I'm a doctor and my sister is a NASA engineer. You're a young mother, Sophia. Don't let it scare you." I smiled. "Do you have a kids, Dr. Verbeck?" Sophia asked. "Not yet." I sighed. "What about a husband? Boyfriend? Friend with benefits?" She asked. "Nope. I'm doomed to an eternity alone." I laughed. "You'll find someone, Dr. Verbeck." Sophia smiled. Soon after, a nurse can in to take the baby into the nursery to check a few things out. "I'm going to check your cervix and any tears along the vaginal opening." I told her and she nodded. I lifted the bed sheet and saw a lot of blood. "Oh my god." I gasped. "What, is something wrong?" She panicked. "There is a large amount of blood coming out of your vagina. I can't tell what's causing it." I said calmly. I stood up and went to the phone in the room. "Hi, yes, I need an OR for a vaginal/uterine procedure." I said.
Turns out that Sophia's condition was caused by a postpartum hemorrhage. I am now in the locker room after a long 3 hour surgery. It is now 7:30pm. I am now on my way to my car. I saw Shaun standing right where I told him to. "How was the surgery?" I asked. "I was on suction." He said. I'll kill Melendez. "Doesn't matter. We are still celebrating." I held back my anger. "Why don't you like Melendez?" Shaun asked once we got in the car. "You remember the doctor I used to date but broke up with because he cheated on me?" I asked. "Yes." He said. "That Doctor was Melendez." I said. "Oh. That explains a lot." He said. "Yeah." I sighed. "I heard you delivered a baby." He said. "Yes I We did. A little girl. The mother was 17 and had severe postpartum hemorrhage after." I explained. "That's bad." Shaun said. "Very. Now, were would you like to go for dinner?" I asked. "Some place where there's music please." Shaun said. "Got it." I smiled.
We ended up going to this bar and grill called "Sunsets B&G". It was small, cute little establishment. We just finished eating and ordered some more champagne. "Cheers! To defying expectations!" I smiled and held my glass up. Shaun did the same and gently struck his glass with mine. I sipped the drink and heard my favorite song come on. "Shaun! You have to dance with me!" I begged. "I don't know how." He said. "It easy! Come on!" I stood up and pulled him to the dance floor. "Hands on my waist. And my hands will go behind you neck. Then we sway to the music." I told him. It was quiet for a moment before I spoke again. "Do you remember the day we met?" I asked. "Yes." He said. "You were in the woods with Coleen and she told you to whip it out as a joke. I heard her laughing and I came and pretended you were my boyfriend. The look on her face was priceless." I chuckled.

"I can't believe you thought I would kiss a freak like you!" I heard someone laughing. I ran over to the group of boys who crowded around a boy and Coleen. The boy was Shaun Murphy. "Jesus, Shaun! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I threw my arms around him. I kissed his cheek as his brother, Steve, came.
"Thank you, for what you did for Shaun." Steve told me. "Coleen is a bitch and besides Shaun's too nice of a kid to be picked on like that." I smiled. "Yeah. Hey do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" Steve asked. "Unfortunately, no I do not." I sighed. "Stay with us. You look out for us and we'll look out for you." Steve said. "Thank you." I smiled and walked onto the bus that they lived on. "So why are you on your own?" Shaun asked. "My sister ran away and I'm trying to find her. What about you?" I asked. "Our Dad is a dick." Steve said. "Mine, too. He couldn't except that Addy was different." I sighed. "Wait! You said Addy. Short for Addison, right? I know her. She lives in the old train station. We'll take her to you tomorrow." Steve said. "Really? That's amazing!" I threw my arms around him.
"Steve would be so proud of you, Shaun. Addy will be, too." I smiled.

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