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That's Emily's car, Sophie sometimes uses it.
————————————————————————"Right, so today class, we'll be looking at cells. You've probably gone through this a million times before but I need you to do it again to see what you know." I wasn't really paying much attention to the teacher: my mind was set on Edward Cullen, the creepy ass dick I sat next to In biology. He was staring at me, again.
His topaz eyes were glued on my face, how could someone ignore that? His messy bronze hair was perfect, another amazing feature he owned.
"I'm handing round a work sheet that I want you and your partner to do together," crap. "There's only six questions so you can write three each if you're so fussy." I buried my face in my hands. When Sir (I'm calling him that coz I can't remember his name) handed the sheet out to Edward and I he said,
"Fed up of school already, Miss Jones? Don't look so down in the dumps: you've got another year and half yet. Not to forget college." He walked off to continue his job.
"Hello, I'm Edward Cullen." I look at him. Wtf! He was talking to me?! I mean, there's nothing wrong with that... but, this was not was I was expecting from him.
"Hi, Emily Jones."
"That's a pretty name."
"Is that a complement?"
"In a way." His face was full of embarrassment.
"What questions do you wanna do?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Lady's first." He gently place the sheet in front of me as I grabbed my pen.
The sheet read:
Question One) What is the fluid that surrounds the cell?
Question Two) What shape is a cell?
Question Three) Name three types of cells.
Thank god, I have the easy questions. I just guessed the answers, passed it back to Edward and started doodling on the cover of my note book. Edward started to write the answers down.
"Hey, I hope what.... Bella, did in the canteen today doesn't effect anything between you two. It is Bella, right?" He smirked at my statement/question. OMG. Edward Cullen is hot as hell! Breathe. Don't sweat. Great. I started to sweat!
"Yes,her name is Bella. I kinda hope so too."
"Bella's been acting like a five year old lately, it's effecting our relationship. Sure, Bella's good and all, but I'm in love with the eighteen year old Bella not the baby one."
"Huh. Speaking of Bella, do you think you introduce me to her?"
"Why? You do realise she's taken right?"
"Eew. I'm straight. Coz, eerm, well — when I lived here before we were neighbours and really good friends. But when my family and I were leaving, I told her like any nine year old would do. So it's my fault we ended in such a bad situation and I want this start fresh new. She was always there for me. And when Jacob can around," he growled when I said Jacob, "he was a good friend too."
"Sure, after school?"
I simply nodded. The sooner the better.


The bell had just rang and was as nervous as shit. With Edward saying Bella was having phase of tantrums, got me going in the dark side of things.
Edward led me to his a car, a silver Volvo. Bella was leaning on the passenger side of the car, texting in her phone.
"Don't feel nervous. And she's not going to punch you." WTF?! Did he just read my mind?!
"Did. You. Just. Read. My. Mind." He took a while to answer.
"No, it's just natural that you would think that."
"Okay..... Nice car. I thought Bella was sick?"
"No, she was skiving. Thanks. I'm getting a new one soon so don't get too attached to it." I smiled, but then frowned.
When we got to Bella, she look at me and her eyes narrowed.
"Bella, this is Emily Jones." Her eyes widened when he said my name.
"Emily?! It's me, Bella Swan! We used to live next to each other?!"
"Hey, Bells. Look, I'm sorry how I ended things nine years ago."
"Forget about that!" She hugged me and I hugged back, "Where have you been all these years?!" She let go off me and put her phone in her pocket.
"You know, somewhere a little sunnier."
"Hey, sorry what about happened in the canteen earlier in today. Both of you. I just lost my cool." Bella's eye flickered to Edward then me again.
"Nah, no need to apologise. It's natural." I shrugged my shoulders. Bella got her phone out again.
"Can I have your number?" She asked me.
"Sure." We exchanged numbers and I said good bye to both of them. Edward offered me a ride home but politely declined and pointed to my white car.
Sophie glared at me from my car saying hurry up. I walked over to her.
"Who's that hot guy?"
"Edward Cullen." I unlocked the car and climbed in.
"Beautiful name, beautiful face." Sophie mumbled to herself.
When we were both in, I strayed the engine and drove us home.

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