Chapter 3: Bad at love

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I thought writers were supposed to be good with words, Becca almost said when Liv had no choice but to let a whole moment pass without a witty remark. But she decided to spare her fling from embarrassment. The blonde girl crossed her long, lean legs and grinned to her own little victory. Looks like I'm the winner this time. She thought back to their earlier conversation when it was beyond her to come up with a quick comeback.

"What do you mean don't get used to it?" Liv muttered as she managed a sulking look, like a scolded puppy. "I thought you liked spending time with me."

Becca wondered if she acted this way around her friends too or not. Most people act differently when they're around their girlfriend or boyfriend. But I am not her girlfriend, Becca thought honestly. Even so, she couldn't bare it when the brunette girl was without her childish, happy expression for more than five minutes.

The sudden silence between them was smoothly replaced by Becca's gentle voice.

"Come here," she said, gesturing for Liv to lean to her. 
When the brunette came close enough, Becca cupped that sullen looking face with her soft hands and kissed the girl on the lips. It was a slow and simple kiss which should be initiated only in the sheets. Because The more time you take, the more sensual it'll feel. Normally, she didn't give such a kiss outside the bedroom but she felt she had to just to make the girl feel better.

When she broke the kiss, Becca only had to look at Liv once to know that the other girl felt her body becoming hot. Even though we were just kissing, Becca thought, amused. But the bad blonde had no intention to give her the pleasure of the flesh. At least not tonight when the rest of Liv's nosy friends were near. And so she tried to distract the young brunette by getting on her nerve with her mean demeanour which was something she was still good at although it seemed a long time ago when the two of them used to bicker and batter and fight like a moody cat and a stubborn pup. And here we are, talking and laughing like a couple. Their jovial joking only died when Liv said she wanted to ask her something.

"Are we ever going to be more than what we are?"

"Why are you asking me that?" Becca raised an irritated eyebrow at the girl. "I told you, didn't I? I don't want relationship. No strings attached, remember?"

The sharp silence that followed was cold and cruel and when Becca shoved the brunette girl playfully on her arm, Liv didn't move. She froze like a statue made out of stone. Bummer. Becca bit her lower lip. She wants to be more but that's not something I signed up for

"You don't have to remind me that everytime you have a chance to," Liv said, upset and unconsciously biting her nail. "I know what no strings attached means but it doesn't have to be like this forever, right?"

"Of course not," Becca said reflexively. Because nothing lasts forever. Becca leaned in her seat and looked away. We won't last long either.

Liv innocently took those three words as a positive sign and giggled like a young girl in love for the first time in summer. "That's what I wanted to hear," she said, her eyes dreamy.

"Just don't look at me like that when you're friends are around, okay?" Becca commanded.
"Like what?"
Like I'm all that can hold your starry eyes. "Like when a starving kid looks at a cake," Becca chose to say, her expression impassive.
Liv's mouth turned into a wide smile. "Now that you said it, I feel obligated to taste your face."
"No. Don't." Becca held up a hand between them. "You can't just come into people's house and lick someone's face."
Liv took it upon herself to come close and playfully planted clumsy kisses on Becca's flawless face. Like a little puppy. Becca pressed her lips together to keep herself from smiling.

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