Something for a friend

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tactician- I finished Faye Emblem

Faye: Spring's Devoted

Infantry Healer

Silver Egg (Brave Staff)

Assist: Martyr (Restores HP=7+ this unit's suffered damage.
Unit heals HP=half suffered damage. Slows Special trigger)

Special: Spring's Blossom Balm (Exclusive to her and Berkut: Obsidian Spring. Grants All Stats barring Hp +4 when in use)

A: Breeze Boost (If unit has 3 or more HP, unit gains 5 SPD)

B: Dazzling Staff (The enemy cannot counterattack.)

C: Hone Healers (Grants adjacent healers Atk/Spd+6 through their next actions at the start of each turn. Exclusive to Healers.)

Faye: Summer's Heart

Infantry Lance Unit

Parasol (If Foe Initiates attack, unit gains +4 def)

Special: Sol (Heal 50% of damage dealt.)

A: Sun Boost (If Unit has 3 or more HP, foes lose 4 SPD. Summer units only)

B: Swordbreaker (If unit's HP ≥ 50% in combat against a sword user, unit makes a follow-up attack and foe cannot.)

C: Atk/Def Ploy (At start of turn, all foes in cardinal directions with Def/Res 1 or more lower than unit suffer Def/Atk-4 until the end of foe's next action.)

Faye: Devoted Bride

Axe Infantry

Poke Of Love (If unit knocks foe's HP below 50%, all foes in 2 spaces -6 in all stats barring HP)

Special: Pure Heart (After combat All allies within range gain 10 HP. Exclusive)

A: Triangle Adept (Gives Atk+20% if weapon-triangle advantage, Atk-20% if disadvantage.)

B: Seal Defense (After combat, foe suffers Def-7 through its next action.)

C: Hone Attack (Grants adjacent allies Atk+4 through their next actions at the start of each turn.)

Faye: Brave Priestess

Infantry Healer/Dancer

Weapon: Mila's Blessing ( Heals 10 damage without needing an assist. Exclusive)

Assist: Anew (Exclusive. Allows allies to move again)

Special: Imbue (When healing an ally with a staff, increases recovered HP by 10.)

A: Ice Boost (If unit has 3 or more HP, unit gains 4 def and RES)

B: Wrathful Staff (Damage from unit's staff will be calculated the same as other weapons.)

C: Breath of Life (If unit initiates attack, adjacent allies recover 7 HP after combat.)

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