- Prologue : Battles -

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5 years old, Xochie
-3rd person-

Blood, decapitated heads of both your parents.
Killer, ------------------------
A little child with no knowledge of anything, not even her own being. See's the people she cherished the most die in front of her eyes.
"Mommy, Daddy. Please wake up. Stop playing games and wake up" Each day the poor child said to her dead parents. While, the others tried to make the poor daughter of their LAST LEADERS get back her sanity. Before, the young girl breaks.


Lisa, one of her mothers close friend. Status: Dead

Nanashima, her uncle. Status: Dead

Jess, Atsu, and Yun her closest friends. status: Dead
One by one each of the fairies died and their village, till it was burned down into nothing. Forgotten by every warlord for their clan were weak as all of them say. Stereotyping their clan, but one day our protagonist will prove them otherwise.


The whole clan of fairies. Dead.
Only one remained and that is where our story begins...

~~~~~~~ Present Day~~~~~~~~
(1st person)

*Groans* ughh... I can't sleep
Tiredly, I stood up and rubbed my eyes, it was a little blurry at first but as soon as my eyes became focused again, I went to check what was all the ruckus was. And to my demise, there they were again. Having their so called 'war' to try to unite the different groups. *sigh*

I guess I'll just watch. But I get the feeling that something peculiar will happen to day


--------- end

I know it's a boring way to start a fanfic but I don't care this is my method of writing. Anyways, thank you for reading this book by a not really experienced writer. Lol

(Edited: I cringed when I read this so just editing some stuffs. )
I watched ep 6 AAAAAA UESUGI OWO

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