"Leave! Fucking leave already!"

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Beginning with this chapter, I'll start to write in POVs. That's going to be easier and I can describe what happens in a better way.


Elliot sounded so weirdly calm, as if he wouldn't know about the existence of the word 'worry'. And the way he talked was not how he usually, normally talked – he'd never say so many words in such a short span. That was odd. The kind of odd that was a result of something he had taken. His unhealthy, addicting morphine that he wouldn't stop buying and taking.

"Elliot, I need your address.", Marlon wanted go to him. She was worried about why he was acting so strange all day and what the cause of all this was. Who knew in what other occurrence she had to go to him? It would just be a benefit, if she knew where he lived.

The reason she had wanted to call him was that she didn't know how he felt right now and she figured that he surely wasn't in his best condition. Because hell, he slowly began to look like a corpse that got out of the coffin right after its funeral. Not that it was meant as an insult, but his physical state was getting almost abnormal. His skin was a bit pale, his eyebags were showing more intensely, he seemed dreamy sometimes when she looked at him.

After some waiting Marlon got a slurred and imprecise answer to where his home was located. She kept talking to him on the phone, grabbed her dark amber jacket, a green beanie and got into her brown boots. The jacket had been put on and the beanie on her head now.

"Keep me entertained, don't stop talking...", she begged Elliot. As she left the building she was living in, the cold air made its way onto her skin and she felt goosebumps slightly coming up on her whole body. The temperature at the time was really out of this world and that mixed with a pitch black sky and moonlight and some lamps shining on the streets, it was giving her a feeling of discomfort. She really didn't like going out all alone at night. Elliot still talked some weird stuff on the phone, while Marlon made her way through some subways, coming nearer to him. Luckily it hadn't been such a long ride and Marlon had almost reached her destination.

"You know that I like you?", he asked her in a more serious tone.

"Yes, I know. But I hate you right now. You just made me wander through half of San Francisco to get to you and it's ice cold, in case you're not aware of that."

"That implies you do in fact really like me."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because you pushed yourself all the way through the city to go and get here."

"Who said that I won't change my mind and go somewhere else instead? Because you are in fact really starting to bug me.", she copied him a bit, a light chuckle coming out of her mouth, forming a cloud of warm breath that ascended into the night sky.

Now she stood in front of the entrance of the multistorey building where she was supposed to find her co-worker. The noisy buzzing of the bell to Elliot's apartment – it was one of the bells at the entrance to the apartment building, marked with his surname,  - made him brace his hands against the sinking in cushions of the beige couch and stand up from the leather furniture he had just laid on. His feet led him to the locked door to press the tiny button on the wall on the right side of the door, so Marlon could get into the building and go up to the fourth floor.

He and Marlon had ended the call and he was now waiting for Marlon to come upstairs. His back leaned on the doorframe of his entrance, arms crossed and his eyes stared into the hallway in the direction of the stairs. Approaching footsteps could be heard getting louder with every step and soon Marlon was in sight. She smiled at Elliot as she took the last steps up to the floor. He couldn't stop grinning as he saw her and straightened himself, not leaning on the doorframe anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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