Chapter Twelve

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We step out of my tent and walk around David smiled and waves at us, I weakly waved at him and beamed then continued on with the other campers.
"Hey, why don't they have to participate!?" From how low and raspy the voice was I'm guessing it was Nurf who asked, David replied in an opposite manner from Nurf, "Because Y/n is hurt and taking a small break and Max had a big day so they need a break" I could hear David's worried tone, he worried so much he really shouldn't, not a lot of people worry about me so I just do my own thing and people seem to go along with it.

I snap out of my thoughts when Max grabs my hand and pulls me somewhere.
"M-Max? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere I found while escaping the regular camp activities, I found it a couple weeks ago, I usually go when no one notices me leave. I think you'll like it honestly.." This was sweet of him, to sweet? Like he was planning something...
"I bet I will from what you're saying- Woah.." I was stopped mid-sentence by a lake view, perfect short green grass, a shimmering blue lake, flowers popping up here and there an array of colors, the sky a perfect sunset color, shades of blue fading away and with purple, pinks and reds, it was amazing.
"Oh my god Max this purely amazing.."
"I know right, isn't it? Its better during this time of day usually, I've seen sunrise and midday it's not as great as this.."
"Hmm.." I look at Max skeptically.
"Are you planning something?" A light blush went across his face.
"What No! Why would you say that??"
"Well you blushed but that could be for a different reason and your acting sweeter? It's cute." He smiles and blushes.
"God shut up, I know I'm being 'softer' Mostly towards you... Only to you and I mean shouldn't I be nice over of what the hell just happened at camp kidnap?" I sigh and nod my head snickering at camp kidnap.
"Hah, yeah that's true.." He walked over to a short almost broken dock, I followed and sat by him. I set my hand on his relaxing as I blushed and smiled not feeling the pain in my head anymore.

Max's POV

Okay, so I may be planning to ask her out soon... It wouldn't be anything big just come out here... Get Gwen or David to help out, by getting a fancy meal and a set up a little spot... God.. I'm getting nicer for her or softer is-is that a good thing? I think so..?

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