Chapter Four: Tor

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"You know we have been together for two years as partners and we don't know much about each other," I comment as I survey the surrounding area from my spot on the roof beside Kong.

"We're on a stakeout, those are supposed to be quiet," Kong replies, not looking at me even briefly.

"I mean, who did you leave behind in Ranus?"

"Do you know what quiet means?"

"Answer one question."

"Five sisters, one papa," Kong replies with a sigh.

"No mami?"

"You said one question, now shut up."

I sigh and resume our silence.

Kong and I have been through hell and back together the past two years and I've really begun to think of him as a brother. I wouldn't have survived the first two years of training without him having my back and vice versa.

The silence drags on and I say, "What happened to your mami?"

"You don't like silence do you?"

"Depends on the situation," I reply. "So?"

"She died when I was ten," Kong replies. "Illness."

"Don't you wonder about me?"

"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me even though we're supposed to be quiet," Kong replies as his eyes roll slightly.

"My parents and an older brother and two younger sisters," I reply ignoring his jab. "And a best friend." I shift my weight slightly.

"How have you survived two years?" Kong asks in slight annoyance. "We're supposed to be quiet and still. We're on a stakeout."

"Nothing is happening," I say.

"That's why we are having a stakeout until something does happen," Kong says.

"I think Captain Matteus is just trying to give us the worst, most boring jobs so that we can't complete training and we don't become full guards slash probably die," I say.

"He probably is," Kong agrees in a tone of annoyance.

"I hate that guy."

"Don't say that aloud," Kong says. "He has ears everywhere. Tomorrow he'll probably whip you again. You have done plenty to earn it. Fuck, I've earned it just from humoring you. Now shut the hell up."

I shut up. Nothing happens the rest of the night, just as I figured it wouldn't happen. It's stupid that we're stuck doing this while the Firsts get to sleep. We don't even get an explanation as to what we're watching for. We were told to stay here, on a stakeout, all night and that's about it.

The sun finally comes up and the wake-up bells ring through Fort Newward. We get up and stretch out, "You don't think he'll let us nap?"

"Hell no," Kong says.

We go back to Captain Matteus and report in.

"Did anything happen?" He asks as we enter his office. He has his back to us, he's looking out over the sea. His golden armor is just highlighted by the rising sun.

"No sir, nothing happened last night," I say.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, we're sure, sir," Kong says. "Nothing happened."

"It was still all night," I say.

"Well, I guess you should get to the mess hall," Captain Matteus says, still not looking at us. "Dismissed."

My First NaNoWriMoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora