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Essence POV
I woke up to a phone ringing,  I knew it wasn't my phone because the ringtone was a 21 savage song. I grabbed Xavier's phone about to decline the call until I seen that the caller ID said "💘 My Lil Baby 💖". I woke Xavier up,  shot his phone at him,  and started putting clothes on.
Me- Your girlfriend is calling you
Xavier- What is you talkin' bout'
Me- Yo Lil baby calling you
His face got straight
Xavier- Essence it's not what you think
Me- Then what is it
Xavier- Well she is my girlfriend-
Me- So it is what I think
Xavier- Kind of
Me- Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend
Xavier- I didn't think it was important
Me- Not even before we had sex?!
Xavier- I'm sorry
He looked down at the floor.
Me- BYE!
Xavier- I'm sor-
Me- BYE!

Sorry for the short chapter 🙁

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