The new best friend

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Catherine's pov

A group of girls walked up to me and they were really nice and they showed me around the school on Monday. They remembered me from the sleepover they were all so happy to see me I couldn't wait to get started with my classes and everything.

Emily's pov

I couldn't believe Catherine moved to our school It was so exciting. I was thinking about that maby I should invite her over tonight and the other girls just then my phone rang. It was Sophie she told me she had some bad news her Aunt had died and she was going to move back to California I was so sad but so happy that Sophie was coming back. I couldn't wait to tell the other girls at lunch.

Sophie's pov

I was packing up my stuff and I was getting ready to leave when suddenly I saw something a note it was from Auntie's old boyfriend it was an invite to prom she had been the most beautiful girl at the prom she had a silk dress that only the richest people could have their was a picture of Auntie she was gorgeous I started to cry it was so beautiful.

Catherine's pov

I was standing by my locker crying I was sad my mother had died she was the awesomest person in the world Emily came to me she said she was so sorry about my mom and she knew how I felt her mom had passed away five years ago when she was ten years old. My mom would have loved to see that I was getting along with every one and I had nice friends that were always their for me .

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