Kagura X Female!Reader

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A/N-Pic is not mine ^
Ohh heyy! I made a new chapter! Weeee! .... Um.. kay. Lets just get to it XD

Your journey to the Land Of Dawn was difficult. You got through the dark woods. As you walk by, You heard a sound, Its from... -The bush

You turned your back to the bush, letting your guard down, And then-

-Thud-! You got hit by an.. umbrella?.

"Oh my godness!" You heard a voice, It seems like a voice of a girl.

You groaned in pain, "Am sorry, Are you okay?" She lend her hand in front of me, "Let me help you".

"Ah, Thank you- Wait, is this your umbrella?" You said while removing the dust on you suit.

"Huh, Oh yes! This is my seimei umbrella! Sorry i though your an a opponent" She said with a sadness on her face.

"No-No! Its really okay! Oh by the way, The name is Y/N!"

"Thats a beautiful name! My name is Kagura!" She reply with a bright smile on her face.

But then something feels not right.
Were being watched

I quickly grabs Kagura's hand and run

"Wha-!?" Kagura said while running  next to you

I turned around while running
And i saw a (any kind of monster) chasing after both of you.
You turned left and then you turn right, You stop behind the tree with Kagura

"*Pant* *Pant* It seems like *Pant* we lost it" You slowly sit and lean on Kagura's shoulder.

"Y/N? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, am oka-" But then the (monster you chose) found you both.

You quickly push Kagura away, and defend yourself.

"RUN!!!" You shouted at Kagura


You used your (First Skill) to the (Monster you chose).
With realizing that you have a Low mana. "Oh Shit-" The (Monster you chose) Was about to attack, You have your Low HP, Low Mana,  You can't do anything. You felt like your being useless.

But then you heard an familiar voice. "Y/N!!!" Its Kagura running towards you.

She throw her umbrella to the (Monster you choose) that it cause to slow it down, as she teleports in it, It got stun.

You didn't lose any chance to attack.
You use the only mana you have to kill it. It got finally defeated.

"Whoa, that was clo-" You felt a pair arm wrapped around your body.

"Y/N am sorry, I couldn't stand seeing you hurt." Tears fall down into her cheeks.

"Kagura... Its okay.." You pat her head as to comfort her. You wipe her tears away to her cheeks using your thumb.

You noticed a pink glow in her face
"Your.. Blushing?"
"W-What! N-Noohhh.. i wasn't!!" Making her blush more.

You let out a giggle as she put her hand on your arms.

"Y/N... I can't explain this feelings, when you almost got killed by that monster, i feel like my heart is going to shatter in many pieces, I think that, i- i am in love with you." She said while slowly looking at you.

"K-kagura?" You nervously ask.

"Y/N.. I love you." As she kissed you directly to your lips. You kissed back.

                          The End :p

A/N -. Okey folks! Sorry if my english was bad and am sorry i ran out of ideas with the ends xD, So yeah.. hope you liek it! And don't tell Hayabusa that i did this xD

Total Words : 579

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