Why I Don't Want To Go To PDH

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Next week I start ninth grade. Aunt Bea has been trying to get me to go to the same school as Ivy and Lily all summer and still hasn't convinced me.
"The kids from your old school are going there." Aunt Bea says, I know, that's exactly why I don't want to go there. The kids from my Jr. High don't know me, and maybe that's why she wants me to go there, every year I get a fresh start there, because people don't know me.
I asked Aunt Bea to homeschool me this year, but she said she would be to busy being a TV producer to homeschool me. 'But maybe when you graduate I'll take you in as my apprentice!' Ever since then I didn't ask again, I understood that she had as much time for me as I had the want for friends. If no one was your friend, you couldn't hurt them, and they couldn't hurt you, right?
I can't say I always liked school because that wouldn't be exactly true. What I liked about school is that I could learn almost anything, but I didn't want people seeing me. Have no friends, be left alone and get all A's was my goal, but because I didn't interact with other students, the teachers at my middle school made me do tutoring for students.
I had a couple of good friends once. Zoey, Kiki, and Cadenza were their names. We knew each other in elementary and at the beginning of middle school, but we grew distant in sixth grade. They were nice to me, they were used to me not talking. In elementary school we used to hang out all the time, but then Kiki moved schools so I didn't get to see her that often anymore, and Cadenza and Zoey started to hang out with the wannabes and the artsy kids. I had no other friends so I decided to do tutoring and that got me to socialize. A bit. But I still would text Zoey, last year. She had told me that her and Cadenza had been hanging out a lot, Cadenza doesn't have a phone so it is hard to talk to her without being face to face with her. But Zoey still says Hi, even if it is just over text.
Cadenza and Zoey are going to different schools than me, Cadenza is going to OHS, and Zoey is going to YHS. Maybe I'm making too big of a deal about school for most people. But to me, I will be facing my worst fear. High school

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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