Best Day Ever

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Best day ever. I'm actually thankful that Beth dragged me into this.

I arrived at the big fountain just outside the mall in time. It was quite a nice place actually, since it can really lighten up your mood. The sun was shining, birds were chirping harmoniously, and I must say, it really was a good idea to come here. The fountain was very beautiful. It's structure was nicely built. On the side of the fountain was carved with roses and other wonderful designs. My stress was slowly fading. I breathed the cool,refreshing air.

Out in the distance I could hear Beth calling my name: "Silvia! Over here!" I turned to see a couple of people heading towards my direction. I recognized their faces. Ylenne, the tall blonde girl with a sense of fashion, Ruby, a girl who was a great actress. Sometimes, I wouldn't even know if she was just acting, or she was really like that. Lastly, there was Tali, who was my twin, and my closest bud! She wasn't my real twin sister but, we have so much in common that, we might even be considered as one. I remember one time, someone asked us: "Are you two twin sisters?" Honestly, I don't remember how our nicknames became "The Twins", but I do remember how we met. It was the power of little stuffed animals. Long story. But anyway, as my friends were approaching me, I also noticed some certain people I didn't want to see. Stacey, Steffany, and Stoney. Funny how all their names start with 'St' and ends with 'y', right? Anyway, you know why I despise them? At school, they always think low of others just because they're rich. They even name themselves 'The Stars'. Honestly, I would rather call them 'They Stink'. [Okay, maybe that name was a little lame.] I was hoping they didn't see me but, I guess my luck has ran out. Once they saw me, they all snickered and walked towards my direction.

"If it isn't our dear Silvia, fancy you meeting here." Stacey, the so-called leader of the pack said.

"Why did you come here for? I bet you had finally come to your senses.You wanted to throw away those horrible rags you're wearing and buy new ones, I hope?" Steffany continued.

"Rags.Haha." Stoney laughed.

I did the most sensible thing a person in this situation could do. Walked away. Seriously, I don't have time for these brats. I knew that they were offended that I didn't even get mad after those insults, but then they threw another insult at me.

"What? Are you afraid of us? Look guys, this girl is such a scaredy cat." She laughed wickedly.

I turned around, I wasn't going to stand there hearing those awful comments.

"You better keep your mouth shut. Or...I could tell all the people in our school about your...little accident." I grinned.

"Wait...You were there!?" She answered, obviously shocked.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

"Why you little..." She grabbed me by the shirt.

"Let go." I said sternly.

"No. Let's see what happens after you take a little dip."

I knew what she meant. Then, she pushed me back and I fell into the fountain with a splash. I was mad. Beyond mad. I stood up. I was going to push her in the fountain too but...then I heard rumbling sounds coming from the fountain. I knew what THAT meant. I ran away as far as possible, dripping wet. Stacey and the other two were so busy laughing, they didn't even notice the sound. Like I care. I made the mistake of looking back, because I bumped into someone, when I looked up, I was thankful that it was one of my friends, Tali. Apparently they didn't know what happened awhile ago, because their suprised looks obviously said: "What happened to you!?"

"Explain later. Run!" I said. They understood. And we ran as far away as possible.

Just in time, the fountain exploded. Water was showering in all directions. You might've thought it was a disaster, but, most of the people knew to run away, so no one really got wet. Except for Stacey and her two other friends. Ha! The look on their faces was priceless!

"We have GOT to take a picture of this." Ruby said as she was rummaging through her bag for her cellphone.

After a few hilarious moments, the three friends turned toward me with their expressions turning serious.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" They said at the same time.

"Well, uh, I got the star treatment." I joked.

"Well, that figures. But, how did you do that!?" Tali asked.

"I really don't know. There must be some kind of malfunction on the fountain." I said. But I knew it wasn't just a coincidence. Maybe it has something to do with the amulet I found awhile ago...?

"Well, we have GOT to do something with your clothes." Ylenne said with distaste.

Beth and Tali agreed.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go?" I laughed.

Today wasn't such a bad day. Actually, It might've been the best day ever. But...I'm still confused. How DID the fountain explode? How come I found an amulet outside my door?

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