Renewed Love

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Chapter 1

New Year's Eve had always been a particularly quiet evening for Jack and Jackie. Jackie always preferred to ring in the new year with her husband in private and since his presidency it was hard enough for them to go out and celebrate.

This New Year's Eve though something was different. Jack couldn't put his finger on it but he just knew that this New Year's Eve would be different.

He entered the private residence of the White House to find that both of his children were already asleep.

"Jackie?" He called out. When she didn't answer he went to look for her in their bedroom.

She grinned at him from bed. "Hi."

He laughed. "Hello. Can I help you with something?"

She grinned at him. "Come here, please."

He obliged and sat down on the bed next to her.

"You know I love you, right Jack?" She murmured as she undid the buttons on his shirt.


She grinned again and kissed him.

Jack was always putty in her hands when she made moves like this. The last few months had been trying for him. Cuba was making his presidency hell and when his world was crumbling around him, Jackie could always make it right. Jackie could do more then make it alright. Especially in situations like this.

Chapter 2

Jack and Jackie could hear the fireworks go off over the Capitol as DC welcomed in 1963. Jackie smiled and rubbed Jack's chest.

"Happy new year."

He stretched and kissed her head. "Here's to 1963."

"What do you think will happen for us this year, Jack?"

"Mmm...I don't know. But I have a feeling it'll be amazing."

She looked up at him. "Do you think we'll have another baby?"

"I very much hope so."

She grinned. "Maybe we should work on that some more."

He nodded. "Very serious work. Can only be done in secret." He kissed her.

She giggled and grinned at him. "Fireworks of our own."

Chapter 3

"Isn't it funny how things can change in an instant, Mr. Hill?" Jackie smiled dreamily out of the car window as they raced along to a fundraising event.

Jackie's secret service agent, Mr. Hill, turned and glanced at her. "In what ways, Mrs. Kennedy?"

"In good ways of course! One moment you're completely and utterly broken and the next someone has renewed you and you're excited about the future!"

He frowned. "Uh...I guess so."

"Oh Mr. Hill you are not a romantic at all are you?"

"Mrs. Kennedy, I'd rather know all the facts and make sure my loved one is save then be swept up in some romantic notion."

Jackie rolled her eyes. "Agree to disagree."

"Yes, ma'am."

She giggled. "Mr. Hill?"

"Yes, Mrs. Kennedy?"

"what is the President's schedule this afternoon?"

"I'm not sure, Mrs. Kennedy. But I can check."

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