One last try

405 12 10

In this story Lloyd has some powers he normally doesn't but he needs to have them so it can work. Just do you know.Oh and it's before Ronin betrays the Ninja


He was still sitting in that dam cage, unable to do anything. Not like he had the power to. Even if he tried, he would just get caught again, just like every other time. Lloyd sat up against the wall of the cage, that hung over the ground of the old shop Ronin once owned. Now Morro and his friends were there, and he was powerless.

The times Morro stopped to possess him, were the only times he got to rest, and he used those times gladly. What was he supposed to do? As soon as the Ghost left his body he fell asleep. He was sick of it. Lloyd had to get out of there. One last time he had to try.

And then again and again. He wouldn't give up. Never. If he did Morro and the other ghosts would win. Taking a deep breath, Lloyd looked at the ceiling. Morro was still gone and so were his so-called friends. He himself wouldn't say that they were friends. Morro was everything but friendly with them. He commanded them what to do, without a second thought Well, Lloyd did that too but for him it seemed different.

Lloyd looked around. He needed something small and out of metal. The cage itself wouldn't work. It had to be small enough to open the lock. But what? Lloyd thought quickly. The ghost could be back any minute and his chance would be gone.

His eyes widened. Of course! Lloyd ripped something out of his pocket. It was a small wristband his mother had given him. She believed it would protect him. He was sure it was just her being worried. It didn't really protect him but now it finally useful. It had a metal wire. Opening the knot on the end, Lloyd carefully let the pearls fall into his hand. He didn't want to make any noise. He stuffed the pearls into his pocket, where the wristband was, only a few seconds ago. Why Morro didn't throw it away, when he noticed it was there, he didn't know. And he wasn't one to complain now.

Reaching forward he carefully stuck the piece of metal into the lock. Lloyd turned and twisted it and nothing happened. He wasn't going to give up, not until it finally opened. If he didn't get out now, he would never get out.

And finally, he heard the clicking sound. Lloyd grinned. Finally faith was on his side again. Laying the little piece of metal beside him, he opened the door. He was getting out!

Lloyd looked around one more time before jumping down, hoping not to catch anyone's attention. But he did. Lloyd heard footsteps. And if it wasn't   Morro it would be one of hi so-called friends. He was the only one of the ghosts that walked and didn't float. He couldn't hide. There was only one thing he could do. Lloyd pressed himself into the wall, that was beside the entrance of the room. Taking a deep breath Lloyd concentrated and raised his hand. Within seconds the door of the cage closed and an image of himself lying on the ground of the cage appeared.

His heart was beating so hard he was afraid someone would hear it. Lloyd held his breath and clenched his eyes closed as the ghost came into the room. So it really was Morro, that had heard him. The ghost was now standing in the middle of the room, smirking at the image of Lloyd lying in the cage above the ground.

Was he really buying the illusion?

The ghost laughed silently, shaking his head. "Did I really become that paranoid?" he asked himself.

Slowly and silently, still holding his breath, Lloyd moved into the dark hall, that would be his exit. And then he let his hand fall and ran down the hall. This time he had some time. Behind him he could hear Morro scream, but he wouldn't look back. He had no time to lose.

And then he was outside. Outside! And under his own control. The wind blew around him and he cloud only hope that this was natures wind, not his.But where could he go? He wouldn't be save anywhere, but with his friends. And who knew where they were. So he just ran through the city, hoping Morro and the other ghosts wouldn't find him.

He knew only one place, where he would find anyone and that was the tea shop. But first he had to lose those ghosts. And he had to admit that he was scared. Lloyd moved into an alley. Maybe that was dark enough to lose them. He couldn't use his dragon, they would find him in no time. Taking deep breaths, Lloyd tried to calm his mind.

"Think Lloyd, think. It won't be long until he finds you. And you can't stay here" he told himself. Shaking his head, Lloyd peeked out of the alley. He couldn't see anyone.

But he could hear footsteps. Fast steps. They weren't far behind. Slowly looking around the corner he saw Morro running through the streets, looking for him. Lloyd sat down against the wall. Morro knew his mind, he would find him soon. He had no choice nut to move and run again. Peeking around the corner again, Morro seemed to be gone. Now or never.

Standing up again, Lloyd ran out of the alley and down the street. Just a bit longer and he'd be gone. Gone from that nightmare he wasn't able to awake from. Why couldn't it rain? Morro couldn't follow him if it rained. But it was dry, like the desert. He could almost see the end of the town. He could feel it.

Even if his chest hurt of exhaustion he kept going. His feet hurt too and his throat was dry. But he kept going. And then he saw him appearing out of nowhere. About five feet away and he was pissed. Morro was pissed. But Lloyd still kept running. There was one last option.

Pushing his leg down, Lloyd took the last chance and slid away between Morro's feet. It was like slow motion. Lloyd could feel the ghosts anger radiating off of him. For the first time in weeks Lloyd felt confident and he smirked himself.

Standing and running again, Lloyd laughed, and Morro screamed in frustration.

There they were! The borders of Stiix! He was there. He was making it.

And then it all shattered. Something crashed into him, throwing him onto the ground. He expected it to be Morro or one of  the other ghosts but it wasn't

It was Ronin!

Lloyd gasped for breath and looked up shocked. "Ronin!?"

Ronin took out a pair of vengestone handcuffs. He grabbed the boys wrists and chained them.

"Are you crazy!? What are you doing!?" Lloyd asked, weakly protesting against the cuffs. The run had tired him really hard.

"Don't take it personally" was all that Ronin said. With that he forced the blonde to stand up and dragged him along. It seemed like Morro had seen it and was waiting. He was so going to regret what he did. He knew Morro would make sure of it.

Lloyd looked over his shoulder at the borders of Stiix. He was so close. But this wasn't the end. His friends would come eventually and help him. Until then he would try again and again to get away.

This wasn't the last try!


So what do you think. This One shot has haunted my mind for weeks and finally I brought it to paper. well Laptop. I hope you like it.


One last try Oneshotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن