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So, my costume was pretty cool. I had this mask and it was creepy and I had fake blood, and it was theatrical so it was cool. Everyone called me by the correct pronouns.... Until I took off my mask. You see, I'm lazy and scared of the barber. So, my hair is kinda long for a boy's. It just touches the top of my spine. I also have a condition called being a "Pretty Boy". It causes my face to have feminine qualities.

So, there was an ADORABLE old man and he was complimenting my mask. He said, "Have a good day, young man!" and I took off my mask so I could answer him in a clearer way (the mask distorts my speech), and he goes, "Oh! It's a girl!" I didn't want to be rude cause he's freaking adorable, so I just laughed and said, "Happy Halloween!"

There was this group of three teenagers maybe my age. Two girls and a boy. They were sitting on their doorstep and handing out candy. I went up there (Yes I trick or treat don't judge me) and they started questioning my mask such as "How can you see in there?" and "Do you have trouble breathing?" To which I answered, "With my eyes." and "Yes, of course." Anyway, when I was walking away, I heard them arguing. The girls were saying "It's a girl!" and the boy was saying, "No, it's a boy!" I didn't have the courage to correct them, so I just walked away.

Anyway, this was just some short stories about my Halloween experience. I hope you enjoyed.

Boy, I'm a Boy.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora