"Yeah, um, well would you look at the time?! It's time for lessons Jerry let's go!" She said and tugged my arm, trying to lure me out of the room. She looked into my hazel eyes and I shook my head. "Well c'mon!" She ordered. I shook my head again and smiled sheepishly. "I'm gonna talk to Harry for a minute, I'll be there soon,"

She huffed and walked out probably going to the bathroom to fix her eye makeup. I smiled to myself and went over to lock the door. "Frank fucking Iero what have you done? Why are you here? What's your problem?" I yelled quietly so no one outside could hear.

I walked back over to him and stood with my arms crossed against my chest.

"Come on Gerard fucking Way it's obvious you're probably going to blow your cover," he grinned cheekily how he usually does. "Oh how so?" I raised an eyebrow and laughed airily.

"It took her a few hours to slip up... Because she loves you. You love her and you can't resist her, you're going to slip up." He aid hopelessly with venom and walked over to the kettle and made himself some instant coffee.

I've never heard Frank use that tone in his voice before and I won't lie- it stung. A lot.

I walked slowly up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder that was shaking slightly. "Frank? Are you okay?" I turned his body around and frowned. Every time he opened his mouth I could hear too many different emotions wrapped around his words.

He looked up and stared into my eyes. His hazels were pained but emotionless. I mean you can tell he's pained but other than that there's no other emotion. His eyes are so pretty.. Such a unique blend of a deep brown mixed with a slight emerald twist. (I am aware how that didn't make any sense at all but a lot is happening, I can't really think properly. Especially after what Frank said)

"I'm afraid not," he sighed deeply and tugged Mikey's beanie further onto his head. "I- were just a fake couple okay?" He huffed and pulled a sour face. "Yeah.." I replied slowly. He smiled slightly and placed his callused fingertips on my cheeks. "Gerard Way, you do look very attractive in your little outfit," he winked and leaned closer. "As do you, Frankie, as do you." I replied in an authoritative tone. He bit his lip and grinned at me. "Well if Jerry and Harry are fake then why don't we spice up their relationship to make it realistic?" He rested his forehead on mine and examined my face. "Yeah, why not?"

He gripped my wig and kissed me passionately. I gasped and pulled away. He stropped and asked what he did wrong but his mouth showed an 'o' shape in mid sentence. "The wig," I reminded trying not to sound irritated. "Sorry Gee, let me fix that for you," he insisted. I nodded and he fixed the wig back into place.

I looked to my watch and frowned.

"Lesson time," I told him.

I instructed him to stay in this room and say he's my boyfriend and he needs me to drive him home or something and he nodded. I left and I walked down the narrow hallway and rushed into Shadow's room before taking a seat beside her chair while the class all settled in their seats.

"For those of you who don't know, this is Mr. May; He will be helping me with today's lesson." She told the kids. They looked about fourteen and they were obviously bored out of their minds. Or drugged out of their minds... Probably both. I smiled and said hello while they stared back blankly. Except for one boy and girl who seemed perfectly normal and were chatting away. They still focused on whatever Shadow was saying but I could see that they were normal. They smiled genuinely, laughing, joking around.... Shadow's lucky to have kids like these in her class.

I zoned out and thought of what just happened. Frank had kissed me and were in a fictional relationship.. I don't know if this is right. We ended a long time ago and I've finally got Shadow back. Maybe this is his evil plan. Maybe he wants me to fall for him instead of shadow when I've got her back... If that's the case I will not be pleased. She still has my kids and I have to meet them. I have to be a father to them. I can't let Frank get in the way. What if he kisses me when it's Party Poison and Fun Ghoul? It didn't look like she took a fictional characters 'fake partner' well so imagine when she sees me and Frank kissing. So the person she cheated on kissing me. Wait why did I even carry on the kiss? Shadow cheated on me with him... I'm so dumb. I'm forgetting all that happened only a few years back. I have to prevent this. What if this is his way to get back at me for breaking his nose and beating the shit out of him constantly three years ago when she left? I've told him I regret that but I still-

F.T.W.W.W. (Sequel to Korse's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now