chapter one

160 8 6

the woodland realm.
5 december 2954


"My king."

The simple words echoed through the wide halls of the Woodland Realm, as if they had a dangerous and powerful meaning. Though they had not, they were strong still. The elleth standing in front of the throne had bowed her head, matching the respect that could have been heard in the words she had just spoken.

The elf staring down at her had eyes as cold as ice, his chin risen in such a way it was almost arrogant. His fingers, resting on the arms of his throne, tapped on the wood with impatience.


Idhren lifted her head, eyes meeting the icy orbs of the king. She pressed her lips together, forcing herself to stand tall underneath the almost mocking gaze of her lord.

"We have cleared the nest, hîr-nín. But more will come." The elf bit her lip, her eyes wandering, and for a second it seemed she was deep in thought, until the impatient voice of her king brought her back to the present.

"That is the second time this moon."

The elleth bowed her head once again, black hair falling down her shoulders. "It is, my lord. We can hardly keep up. They spawn faster than we can fight them."

The king studied her carefully, and a shiver ran down her spine as the blue eyes of the king rested upon her for a long while. Forever, it seemed. Though Idhren was strong and feared little, she always felt she shrunk whenever the eyes of the king would fall upon her.

"Then perhaps you should fight harder."

She pressed her lips together, fists clenching behind her back. "We are doing all we can, my lord, but the darkness is spreading more than ever. There is nothing more we could do. If we would, it would kill us."

That seemed to have an effect on the king, as his eyes warmed up ever so slightly, showing the tiniest bit of emotion. Though it disappeared within a second, these were the moments Idhrel realized their king was alive. Not alive as in having a heart that beats, alive as in showing emotions, feelings... Things that were usually hidden behind a cold mask in case of her king.

"Double the patrols. And double the guards at every exit. I want none to be able to even approach the Realm without me hearing of it."

She bowed her head one last time. "As you wish, hîr-nín."

Idhren turned, wishing to leave this place at once, when the king spoke her name.

"One more thing..."

She frowned slightly, only partly turning back to her king. Had he not given all orders already?

"I want to go out there, and you will come with me."

That took her by surprise. Eyes widening, her frown deepened. "But, my lord, it is dangerous out there. Too dangerous..."

Where her eyes had widened, his now narrowed. "I know of the dangers, Idhren. Still, I wish to wander the woods and see how it fares. Though I can feel it, I wish to look upon it as well."

He now rose from his throne, looking down at her as if she was no more than a servant. "Also, perhaps you have forgotten it, I am able to defend myself rather well."

"Of course, my lord." Idhren spoke softly, eyes cast upon the wooden floor. "I did in no way mean to insult you."

Her only reply was a wave of his hand, joined with a roll of his eyes, telling her it was time to leave.

So she did. Hurriedly, she made her way out of the throne-room. Take her king out there... She bit her lip nervously, still shaky from her words with the king. Never before, since she had been appointed Captain of the Guard, had she spent more than several minutes with the king. Though she was as loyal as one could be, and a rather good fighter as well, he never actually seemed to like her...

... Not how he had liked Tauriel.

And now she had to spend several hours in his company as they would wander through the forest, something she was not particularly looking forwards to. He made her nervous, insecure... feel like a child.

But she had to cast aside her own worries and focus on the positives of this plan. Perhaps it was a good idea to have the king look upon the woods, to have him see how sick the forest was... How dark, dangerous. To have him see the state of his beloved kingdom...

Before the darkness would swallow it all.



disclaimer;; I do not own the world of Middle-Earth, or the characters within this world. These belong to sir J.R.R. Tolkien. The portrayal of several characters and locations belong to Peter Jackson. Several original characters in this tale, however, do belong to me.

warning;; will contain angst, maybe some gore, sexual references/scenes, feels

translation;; hîr-nin - my lord

please enjoy and let me know what you think :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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