Chapter 1

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Two months ago my life changed. My mom died of cancer. She fought it for a year before it finally defeated her. I never knew who my father was. He left us the day he found out my mom was pregnant with me. I'm an only child because my mom never got remarried.

I should've left for my aunts house after my moms funeral, but I stayed at my friends house so I could finish out my junior year in high school. After I finished my junior year, I left the town I've lived in for seventeen years.

I'm kind of glad I'm leaving. I'll miss my friends, but there's too many memories in this town. My first crush and kiss, my first heartbreak, the day my mom was rushed to the hospital because she passed out on our living room floor, and the day my mom died. These memories break my heart every time I think of them.

So, here I am now. Sitting in my friends car on the way to the airport. My car was shipped ahead of time, so my friend is taking me to the airport and my aunt is picking me up.

We pulled into the airport parking and my friend parked the car. We both got out and she helped me get my bags out.

"I'm going to miss you, Mia," my friend Erin said.

"I'll miss you too. I'll never forget you," I said. We hugged each other tightly before I grabbed my bags and left the parking lot. I walked quickly to the luggage check in. I checked in my suitcases. Along with my suitcases, my three dogs were in a big kennel. My friends mom dropped them off earlier this morning on her way to work.

I rushed through security and bag checks before I started looking for my plane terminal. I looked at the food hungrily, but I knew if I ate I would probably throw it all up on the plane. I always get sick on planes unless I take Dramamine. It makes me sleepy, but at least I'm not puking my guts out the whole way.

I was a few terminals away from mine when someone ran into me. I fell to the ground and someone tripped over my back and they fell while the person that ran into me fell on me.

"Owwww," I whined as I felt the pain from the impact.

"I'm so sorry," I heard someone with a British accent say. I looked up and I saw a guy standing in front of me. He was holding his hand out to help me up. He had light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He had a strong build and his muscles were showing through his t-shirt. But, his hotness didn't stop me from yelling at him.

"Watch where you're going," I said angrily. I stood up by myself. He put his hand down.

"I'm sorry, Miss Priss. It was an accident," he said back with a glare.

"You have no right to call me a priss when you no nothing about me."

"You walk around like you own this place. I mean, I don't see a name plate that says Miss Priss anywhere in this airport," he said to me.

"Would you please stop calling me that? No, I don't own any of this airport. I just don't like people running into me and calling me names, Mr. Douche," I said.

"I'm only a douche to you because you are acting like a priss," he said.

"Fine, let's retry this. Skip the you running into me though. I'm Mia Thompson, nice to meet you," I said.

"I'm Lucas Downs and it's a pleasure to meet you," Lucas said.

"Nice name. I need to go board my plane now, but maybe I'll meet you again someday," I said.

"Here's my number," Lucas said. He wrote it on a piece of paper then handed it to me.

"Thanks," I said. I took it and slid it into my pocket.

"Bye Mia," he said.

"Bye Lucas," I said as I picked my suitcase up. We went our separate ways. I walked to my terminal and boarded my plane. The plane didn't take off for another half hour, but I like getting places early.

A flight attendant greeted me as I walked onto the plane. I walked to the middle of the plane where my seat was. I shoved my suitcase into the luggage compartment. I sat in my seat which was the seat next to the window. As soon as we get in the air, I'm going to take my Dramamine. I'm probably going to accidently roll my head onto the person next to me while I'm sleeping, so I'll have to warn them of that.

I sat and checked Snapchat while other passengers boarded the plane. A lot of my friends were working at a summer camp for the next month so they were streaming a ton of it on Snapchat. They just arrived so they are taking pictures of the camp and the hot guys in it.

I was about to text my friend when a man slammed his body down next to me. He hit my arm on the way down. When he didn't say he was sorry, I complained to him.

"The least you could is say sorry for running into me," I said. I continued to text to my friend so I didn't see who hit me.

"Last time I said I was sorry, you yelled at me," I heard a familar voice say. I looked up from my phone and saw Lucas sitting next to me.

"Nice to see you again," I said.

"You too, Miss Priss," Lucas said with a smile.

"I thought we were restarting. That means we need to leave the past in the past, Mr. Douche," I said also with a smile.

"Just because we restarted doesn't mean I don't think you weren't a priss to me," he said. He was smirking so I had a feeling he wasn't being serious.

"And even though we restarated doesn't mean I don't think that you overreacted and that you weren't a douche to me," I replied with a small smirk of my own so he would know I wasn't being serious.

"Ouch. That hurt my ego so badly," he said with his hand pressed against his heart with fake hurt.

"With as big as an ego as yours, it deserved to be punctured a little," I said with a laugh.

"Is it your mission in life to hurt me?" he asked me.

"Maybe," I said with an evil smirk.

"Well then maybe I should run for the hills and never come back," he said. He was about to leave when a ginormous guy stood at the front of our seat row. He was a huge muscular guy with a black leather jacket. He towered over Lucas, so Lucas sat back in his seat. I was laughing quietly at Lucas' reaction. Lucas turned to me and glared at me. The huge man sat next to Lucas after he put his luggage in the compartment.

"Hello sir! My name is Mia and this guy is Lucas," I said to the man. I stuck my hand out passed Lucas hoping that he would shake my hand so I would't look like an idiot. Thankfully, he did shake my hand.

"I'm Charles," he said as he shook my hand. He let go, so I put my arm back in my lap.

"We will be taking off in five minutes. Please fasten your seat belts and listen to our safety instructions," the intercom said.

"I'm glad you are the one next to me. I have to take a Dramamine, so I might accidently roll my head onto your shoulder while I sleep," I said to Lucas.

"Ok. If you do, I'll shove you off of me harshly," Lucas replied with a smirk.

"If you really want me to call you a douche for the rest of your life, then I suggest you do just that," I said.

"We are now about to take off. During takeoff, you are not allowed to get up. The seat belt light above you will shut off when you are allowed to get up," the intercom spoke again. Soon after, the plane started down the runway. I leaned back in the seat as the plane soared into the air. The takeoff was smooth and quick. A few minutes later, the seat belt light shut off.

"Alright passengers, you are allowed to get up and move around now. We will be around with complimentary drinks soon," the intercom crackled. I waited for them to bring me a water so I could take the pill. When I got the water, I immeadiately took the pill. I wanted to escape the world for a little bit. I put my neck pillow and my blanket on.

"Please wake me up when we are ten minutes to landing," I said to Lucas. I turned my head to the window and closed my eyes. I slowly fell into darkness.

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