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He goes off, i jump into my pjs and go in the bed. Suddenly i hear a knock on the door. I wasn't sure if i wanted to open it, so i waited a bit. Someone comes in, he was a bit short, black hair and pretty handsome

???: Yo Johannes, i need to tal-

He notices me in the bed

???: wait you're not Johannes? am i in the wrong apartment, i'm so sorry. I was searching for my friend Johannes
Lisa: i'm his sister Lisa, he's at the gym. And who are you?
George: oh, i'm george, Johannes's friend. Nice to meet you Lisa. Damn you look really beautiful
Lisa: Oh thanks. But geez, I already thought I'll get robbed on my first night sleeping in LA

He laughs

George: oh don't worry, these buildings on this block are 100% safe.
Lisa: well that's nice to know
George: hey imma go now and look for Johannes, you have a good night. And sorry again
Lisa: thank you and it's alright.

He goes off. Uff, that scared me for a second. But he was so nice and handsome. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

George's POV:
After bumping into that sweet girl, i headed to the gym. I caught Johannes doing some exercises

George: my boy!
Johannes: hey!
George: sweet sis you got
Johannes: what?
George: i was at your's right now, i thought you was there and i met your sister. She's really nice.
Johannes: cool.

He seemed a bit pissed off. Why?

George: i wanted to ask you about the movie night tomorrow, you know it's our thing?
Johannes: who's coming?
George: Logan, Mark, Kylie, Simmi and you
Johannes: i'll see
George: Lisa can come too
Johannes: okay
George: imma go now, bye
Johannes: bye

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