10th doctor (11) full story.

Start from the beginning

He looked at me with pity in his eyes. He walked me over to a more private place.

" um, I don't know how to tell you this." I started to cry even more.

" (Y/N), what's is it? You know you can tell me anything." The Doctor pulled me in for another hug.

" um... when the sick men captured me... I didn't know... we only did it once... I didn't think anything of it."

" (Y/N), I don't understand." The Doctor shook his head.

" I was pregnant."

The Doctor just stared at me. "Was?"

" I tried to hide it for as long as I could, but it was difficult with what my task was here." I paused then continued. " at 3 months is when they found out. I tried, and tried and tried to hold on..."

" what did they do?" I could see the fury in his eyes.

" they beat her out of me."

" her... they beat our daughter out of you. They made you have a miscarriage."

I nodded. " they told me I wouldn't bare the child of the lonely God."

The fury of the time lords flashed in his eyes. I have only seen him give this look to A few select aliens in the time I had traveled with him.

The Doctor hugged me tightly then walk away. He walked out of the room. There was commotion then the Doctor came back with the head of the snake, the man in charge. The Doctor dragged him in the TARDIS. The TARDIS faded away.

Jordan ran up to me. " what the hell did you do? That was our only way out! He's gone! What did you tell him?!"

" the truth. He'll be back, he's just taking care of business, business that doesn't involve either of us. He's showing that man a side of him that we as his companion should never see, the fury of the time lords." I paused. " He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing... the fury of the Time Lord... it when they discovered why. Why the Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from them and didn't return until 6 years later. He was being kind..." just then the TARDIS came into view.

The Doctor stepped out. He looked at me. " let's get these people back home."

We took all the men, woman, and everyone in between back home. All across the different galaxies.

Finally it was just Jordan, the Doctor and I.

" (Y/N) why don't you go take a shower." The Doctor came up to me as I laid on the Console chair.

" I don't have any of my-"

" everything that you took with you from your home is still here. Your room is just how you left it, your bathroom, everything."

I nodded. I got up and walked towards my room.

The Doctor was right, every was the same. All my clothes, all my thing were where I left them.

I grabbed my towel and some clothes and made my way to the bathroom.

Showers were one of the things that I missed the most. All I had when I was with the evil men was a bucket of dirty water.

I stayed as long as I could in the shower until I finally turned it off. I grabbed my towel and dried off. I put on my favorite lounge wear. I grabbed my brush and started to brush my hair. My hair was filled it knots.

I sigh. I walked towards my room to grab some of my detangling spray for my hair. Jordan was walking towards me. Anger in her every step. Her long brown hair swayed with her steps.

She came up to me. Her finger pointed at my face. " If I could go back and not save you I would. I would leave you there to rot just like the fetus of your dead child." She then pushed me and continued to walk.

My heart sank. I ran to the console room. The Doctor was leaning over the controls.

" I have seen to have caused some trouble between you and Jordan. " I spoke. " I think it's best if I leave."

" where will you go? Earth isn't what it was all those years ago. (Y/N) I don't want you to go." The Doctor turn to face me.

" I can't expect you to make room for me. You have a companion. You don't need another. Although I don't know the history between you and Jordan, I can tell you guys have something in her eyes." I told him.

" I've only just met her. That was our first trip in the TARDIS. And after how she acted today, it's her last." The Doctor told me.

" what do you mean?" I asked.

" I've asked her to leave."

" Wow, uh, I hope I didn't influence your decision."

" you didn't, some people are meant to travel in the TARDIS, other are not." The Doctor explained.

Jordan can back with a backpack. She glared at me.

" you may leave. Your home is right outside." The Doctor told her.

Jordan walked to me. She stared daggers into my soul. She then did the unexpected. She grabbed my bare arm and injected something in it via a syringe in her pocket she had been hiding. " tama huelen dech." She whispered in my ear. She let go of my hand and left the TARDIS.

My vision started to get blurry. My balance started to fail me. My lungs felt like they were on fire. I fell to the floor. I started to thrash around.

The Doctor was by my side he tried to hold me down. "(Y/N), shh hey stay with me."

My throat started to burn. Talking was no longer an option, neither was screaming.

The pain grew to the point to no return. The Doctor saw this. He was about to give me some of his regeneration power but I grabbed his hand. I looked him in the eyes. It was too late.

Darkness took me.

Hope you guys liked it! I miss you all so much!!!! I'm sorry for the sad ending.

Love, Selena❤️🖤💙

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