10th doctor (11) full story.

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I laid on my bed waiting for the sick men to come and fetch me for their own desires when I heard commotion out side of my cell.

I quickly got up and peered through the window to the hallway. Bars blocked my view.

I tried to look from different angles but to not avail.

I went to my fire place. I grabbed one of my matches. I lit it over the fire place and put the match on a bunch of sticks. And crumbled up papers.

The fire roared to life. I sat there looking at it, forgetting about the noise right outside.

" Hello? Is anyone in here?" A females that I never heard before rang from the hall.

" Hello?" My voice was rusty, I barely used it anymore.

" Hold on, I'm going to get you out!" She shuffled around a bit until the door opened. She stepped inside. " Hello, I'm Jordan. I'm here to help. What's your name?"

No one had spoken those words to me in an eternity. " (Y/N)." I told her.

" Hello (Y/N)." She paused. She looked at the condition I was in. My dress falling about at the seams, my hair tangled from the men grabbing it out of lust, my body dirty compared to hers which was nice and clean, spare the few blood marks she had on her left arm.

She took off her jacket and put it over my shoulders. She then grabbed my hands and lead me out of the cell. " Don't worry, I have a friend that can help, we're going to get you out of here."

As we walked along the hallway, we came to a big living room. Some of the other prisoners where there also. Jordan sat me down on the couch. " stay here, I'm going to go find my friend." She patted my hands that were folded over my lap and left.

I looked around, I never knew I wasn't the only one. Many woman sat here with me. Even some men. All of them between the ages of 17-26. I've been her since I was 18, I didn't know how long ago that was.

Jordan came back with a man on the other side of the room.

My heart dropped.

My stomach ached.

They said he died.

But here he was, like nothing changed.

We made eye contact at the same time. We were both frozen. I got up, dropping Jordan's jacket. It landed on the floor by my feet.

The Doctor ran up to me. He stopped before hugging me. I hugged him back.

Tears ran down my face.

" they told me you were dead." He whispered. " there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you."

" Doctor." I whispered. I couldn't believe this was happening. My wonderful man was in my arms once again.

We let go of each other when Jordan came to our side.

" you two know each other?" Jordan eyes grew with jealousy.

" yes, ah, Jordan this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Jordan. Jordan, (Y/N) and I used to travel together." The Doctor explained.

" how long ago?" Jordan's mood changed form a helpful girl to a jealous ridden woman.

The Doctor looked at me ashamed. " 6 years ago."

It had been 6 years... our child would have been 6 years old.

Our child, our unborn child, the Doctor needed to know.

" Doctor, there's something I need to tell you." I grabbed his arm.

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