☘ Chapter 1 ☘

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"...destroyed the whole mansion, ashes when they found the place! Not a single..."

She shifted to her side, felt the soft bed sheets slip off her slowly but somebody lifted it to her chest again.

"...somebody obviously had it out for the Krums..."

The headache came a moment later, her head felt like a fragile nail being constantly hammered. She shut her eyes tight in attempts to lessen it.

"...every single one of them, dead..."

She groaned in annoyance, the voices were making the pain worse. Her hand made its way to her forehead.

"...and the fire hadn't chased after her or Harry. That doesn't look—"

"Will everyone please just shut up!" she growled, unable to stand the noise any longer. She slowly lifted her heavy lids and adjusted her eyes to the light. She was in Godric knows where with Godric knows who. The people surrounding her all seemed to have frozen at the sound of her irritated voice.

"Miss Granger, I trust you've rested well?" A voice came from the foot of her bed. She remembered the man as Mr. Alasdair Worden, Head of the Council of Magical Law.

"Obviously not," she snapped angrily, as she felt another searing pain attack her head. "My head..."

"Do you know how to cast and control Fiendfyre?" said someone to her right. The said woman was wearing dark purple robes and there was a stern look on her face, she sort of reminded Hermione of Professor McGonagall.

"W-what?" She tried to get up from but someone immediately pushed her down to the bed again.

Fiendfyre? That was an awfully dark magic right there. Why would someone even ask her such a question?

"Fiendfyre, Miss Granger," said the McGonagall look-alike again, even with Hermione's head throbbing she noticed the icy tone in the voice.

"I'm afraid I don't understand—"

"Oh for the love of Merlin! She had nothing to do with it!" came a familiar, angry voice to her left. "Hermione's no murderer!"

"A great number of witches and wizards have been wiped out in an engagement party with only the two of you surviving the incident, Mr. Potter. Initially, you are the suspects!"

Confusion flooded over her, causing another prick of pain in her head. She was missing something, she didn't know what.

"And what, pray tell, would we gain from doing all this?" Harry said with a mocking tone.

"Harry's right. It makes no sense at all!" said another woman clad in brown.

"Then explain to us vy the fire hadn't affected them or chased after them!" yelled a man in dark robes and black hat. "There is no countercurse for Fiendfyre and any shield or vard for protection is useless! Either they did it themselves or they are associated vith someone who did!"

Then yet another series of yells and accusations emerged from either side of the room, hurting her head even more. She wanted to cover her ears with her pillow and fall back to sleep. Gazing over the dresser beside her bed, she looked for her wand, but it was nowhere to be found.

Damn it all.

"Enough!" she yelled finally. "Enough! All of you!"

Every pair of eyes turned to look at her again. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at every one of them.

"If you're done with all these childish rubbish, can someone please explain to me what in Godric's name is going on?"

The silence stretched, unbearable and awkward. She waited for them to reply. They looked at each other, no one daring to step up and speak for quite a long time.

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