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"Um excuse me.. I - ah - I need to talk to.. Uh.. To the princess." Sunburst mentally slapped himself for stammering so much. No doubt the guards would be suspicious now.
"Sir, you okay?" the orange yellow pegasus asked as he stepped aside.
"Oh uh- fine. Just nervous." Sunburst gave a nervous grin.
"Why are you nervous? You're the crystaler! " the pony pressed.
"Ah- well -uh... I'm just a.. a rather nervous guy.." Sunburst muttered.
"Ah don't worry about it! " the pegasus grabbed Sunburst in a reassuring one hoof hug, "Her majesty will understand" he finished.
"heh well thanks for the reassurance, I'll be going now.. Uh..?" He ended with a question.
"Flash. Flash Sentry. Honour talking to you Crystaler Sunburst." Flash dipped his head before turning back to His station.
"Oh!" Sunburst replied, caught off guard, "Thank you Flash" he finished after regaining his composure and headed in to speak with Cadence.

I can't believe I did that. I dropped all formalities and gave a one hoofed hug to the Royal Crystaler. Oh boy if Shinning Armour finds out I'm screwed.
First he thought I was leading his sister on, I'm not even interested in mar- in her. I'm not interested in her. It's hardly my fault if she falls in love with a me from a different world is it.
I lost my train of thought as Sunburst walked back out of the throne room.
"So how was it?" I asked before remembering formalities, "I mean - Did it go as planned Sir?" I questioned.
"Er - yes. All good. You were right. Princess Cadence understood. But - er - could we drop formalities it's slightly Unsettling.
I grinned. "Sure thing Sunburst".

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