Craziness Vs Innocence---Shot 5

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Craziness Vs Innocence (SwaSan fs)
Shot 5:
Recap: Sanskar request swara to participate in dance.

Next morning:
Swara is going in the corridor when suddenly sanskar came from front.
" hello Swara" he give his bestest smile to her.

" hmm" she didn't look at him.
" you are angry??" Sanskar asked as he sense she isn't behaving normally.
" yes" her voice was stern.
" and why??" Sanskar asked.

" that you should know" swara said before leaving. Sanskar stood their with open mouth, he seriously don't know what he did that made swara angry.
Scratching his head,he went to his class.

Sanskar enter inside the class and saw swara who was as usual reading some book. He went to his gang and silently sit which is quite opposite to his behavior.

" what happened sanskar?" Laksh asked as sanskar was lost in his own thoughts.
" hmm yrr swara is angry with me" he was so sad that is clearing seen from his face.
" but why??" Nikil asked

" that she didn't told wait, sahil did you told her that I threatened you?" Sanskar give dangerous look to sahil as If he will kill him next second.

" no no I didn't said anything I swear" sahil was really scared from sanskar.
" she was normal when you went in the morning to study??" Kavita asked
" ohhh shitttt!!!!! I didn't went in the morning, my stupid sleep ohh god so that's why she is angry" sanskar curses himself for being so lazy. He instantly got up and ran to swara's bench.

Sanskar sit beside her without even asking.Swara give him one look then again got busy in reading.
" swara I got to know the reason behind your anger" he said sheepishly.

" good" here comes her minor whisper.
" I'm really sorry that I didn't came to study Actually I'm not habitual to get up early so.." He apologized holding her hand.

" then you should have informed me earlier I was waiting in the corridor for half an hour" she said with pout.
" you should have knock at my room door" he said

" I did twice but no response" swara roll her eyes.
" huh!! All are sleepy heads in our room" sanskar said glaring at boys on last beaches.
Swara smile looking at his expressions.
" you are not angry??" Sanskar asked happily.

" no but don't repeat" she warned him.
" never, thank you cutiepie" sanskar pull her cheeks amusing her. He ran from there before swara could react. She signed and smile at him.

Crazy gang was in empty class for the dance practice. Sanskar was setting music player and all. He turn towards all but didn't find swara.
" where is swara?!" he asked going close to them.

" we didn't call her" ragini said showing her not so good attitude.
" and why???" Sanskar got irritated with her drama.
" we thought you will personally call her" kavita teases him.

Sanskar's frown face changed listening to her words. He look down shyly.
" omggg Sanskar Maheshwari is blushing" laksh started laughing making fun of him.
" shut up" sanskar punch him before leaving to call swara.

" let's go swara"Sanskar came running, swara was in class only.
" where??" She lifted her head confusedly.

" dance practice madam com on get up" sanskar made her stand closing the books.
" Sanskar I don't know anyone in your group except kavita then.." She said little nervously.

" you know me that's enough bcoz you are going to be my partner alright??" He tried to assure her.
Swara nodded and slightly smile.

" okay all stand with your partners" sanskar said instructing them. He on the music.

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