memories of c

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getting up in the early morning,
slipping on pj pants,
mixing up some instant hot cocoa,
and walking out the front door into the rain

the way she smiles and punches me lovingly

she'll make new friends when she moves.

i hope she doesn't forget me.

i only wish the best for her.

singing loudly, singing happily, singing unashamed of our cracking voices

making snowmen on top of the
toppled recycling can and naming them o and k

watching stranger things with her

her birthday party!!!!!!!

building various beautiful pillow forts

sledding with her and m

filling up water balloons in summer, getting them stuck in my bra top

taking polaroids and sticking them in our clear cases

crying onto her shoulder and burying my face in her bright pink newly dyed hair and smiling because the dye smelled like starbursts

"i thought of you when i bought this! look, look how pretty the colour is. a pretty shade of lemon"

going to her before anyone else

"you're one of the most important people in my life, you know that right?"

i only want to help her

she's going through so much :(

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