Chapter 1

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I had woken up to the suns golden rays shining into my eyes. I slowly open them and look over to my bed side table to see the red blinking lights of my alarm clock, and read it,

7:30 am

Hmm. I'm up early. Well, no getting back to sleep, might as well start the day and get ready for work!

I sat up and threw the blankets to the side. Swinging my legs to the side of the bed, I place my feet to the cold wooden floor of my bed room. It wasn't much, considering I've only lived here for a week, and I don't have enough money to buy furniture, other than my bed, dresser, and clothes from living with my mother and father. My mom also let me keep the old couch from their basement, so I have something in my "living room".

I lifted myself off of the bed and made my way over to my dresser to decide on what to wear. After finding a nice orange shirt and black jeans, I walked over to my bathroom connected to the bedroom.

Turning the water on, I stuck my hand under and pulled it back out adjusting the temperature because it was too cold for my liking.

After my shower. I changed into my outfit and looked into the mirror and spotted a new bruise on my face.

Hmm... what is going on here? I don't remember getting this...

I shrugged it off and started brushing my hair.

After putting on some concealer over the bruise on my face, (I stole it from Mabel since it was too dark on her, don't judge me!) I made my way to the kitchen and made some cereal, because it was morning... that and it's basically the only food I can afford until I get my paycheck from my new job at the book store.

After my cereal, I check my watch to find another mark on my arm...

Strange... don't remember getting that one either.

I,  again, just shrugged it off and made my way to my door to head off to work. I close the door and lock it, then put my keys in my coat pocket. It's the middle of November so it is a bit crisp outside, and I am walking so I decided a coat was a good choice.


Making it to the store I walk in and see my boss, Maria, sitting at the register reading a book before opening time.

"Morning, Dipper, ready to start your first day of working here?" She asks, not looking up from her book to even look at me.

"As ready as I'll ever be, Maria.." I say, smiling at here even if she won't see it. (I had to 😂)

She just responds with a hum, giving me the signal to start working, so I do!

As I was lifting a box of books off the ground to take it to the back, I noticed a cut on my arm and stopped.

Okay, now this is getting annoying, I don't even remember getting that!

As soon as I put the box down I heard the door of the store open, so I walked out putting a fake smile on to mask my annoyance.

A couple walked in, a woman walked in first. As they made their way in I examined them, seeing all their features.

The woman walking in first was short, but no doubt strong from her confident appearance.

The later of the two was a tall man, who looked quite depressed. He slouched as he walked in, and stayed close to the female. He looked over towards me and his eyes sparkled in the light as he looked me up and down. He smiled, causing me to smile back at how warm his toothy grin was, so different from his initial appearance.

But what I didn't notice was the woman looking at me as well, with a scowl on her face. She quickly swung around to look at the guy and whispered something to him, causing him to look down and follow her closely to the back of the store where I couldn't see them anymore.

After a few seconds I heard a loud smack come from the direction the couple was and I jumped. I instantly walk back where they were to see what happened.

The man was on the ground with a hand print across his face. The woman was standing above him, waving her hand at his face in a scolding manner. I had seen enough, I quickly stepped forward and grabbed both of their attention by clearing my throat.

"Excuse me miss, but what happened here?" I ask as she turns around and puts a shocked look on her face.

"Oh, I have no idea! I was looking at these books when my boyfriend fell!" I internally rolled my eyes.

"Then why is there a hand print on his face?" I ask raising an eye brow to the girl.

She did not answer, only looked down to the man.

"Sir could you come with me? You're not in trouble" I smiled towards him and he returned it with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

"Um, sorry, but my boyfriend doesn't exactly want to go with you" the lady rolled her eyes at me and bent down to the man.

"Right, Bill?" He looked over to me then to her and stood up.

"I'll come with you, if that's alright?" He asked me in a quiet tone.

I smile at him and nod.


Hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you in the next chapter!
Also, I've decided I'm not updating every Saturday. Just when I have time and I can write, ya know? Hope you all understand and enjoy this book!

Au Revoir! ❤️

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