~~Chapter 2~~

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    Your performance was terrible!! There were punctuation errors EVERYWHERE! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE MADE PUBLIC TODAY!!!! YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT!

    Those words echoed in your mind for a while. You had messed up in a few places on an article and that was the message you received. You hung your head and raked your hands through your hair that was already out of the braid quite a lot.

    "I.....I can't do anything r-right.."

    You hadn't noticed you were crying until your pants were visible wet with tears. You moved your laptop over to the middle of the couch.

    This isn't the first time you've messed up on an article but this was the best paying job you've had in a while. You couldn't get any other job because of your introverted fucking self. Talking to people face to face is a huge issue for you. Social anxiety. You get internet jobs for the simple reason that you can put on a mask and hide your insecurities.

    Before you knew it, you were in the bathroom with one of your razor blades. "I just...I...I have to do this? It's....it's..." It's like you were having an argument with yourself and you were royally losing. Without even thinking, you cut. It hurt so fucking much. You screamed. The way the blade cut into your tender skin was so...different. Once the skin broke, that was it. You cut more, you screamed more, more blood was shed, you were sobbing.

    There was pounding on your door then pounding on your bathroom door. You couldn't move, not much anyway. Your arms couldn't support the weight of your body enough for you to get up so you sat there, bleeding out and sobbing loudly. Your bathroom door slammed open to reveal a..man? You couldn't tell entirely. Your tears blurred basically all your vision. The man ran toward you and lifted you up, looked at you, then got up and started going through your cabinets. He knelt back down to you and asked you something that you didn't hear. Finally, he grabbed one of your towels and wrapped it around one of your arms while grabbing a roll of toilet paper and wrapping your other arm up.

    "What......who-" You started coughing. Coughing up blood. He gasped and picked you up bridal style and set you on your couch and went back into your bathroom and came back with..something. A..washrag? He came back over and put a cold washrag on your forehead, correction, a freezing washrag.

    You jumped up, but he pushed you back down to the couch. "It's okay...it's..it's okay.....c-calm down..." His voice sounded familiar-like. It had an accent. Scottish? Irish perhaps? He took the washrag and wiped your tears away so you finally saw his face. He was crying too, but it was..Jacksepticeye? You..you must be just...seeing things. Your eyes widened and you tried to get up but he sat you back down again, "Here, here, lie down, let me...patch ye up.." He took the towel off of your arm and as soon as the cool air hit your exposed cuts, you flinched. "I'm sorry...sorry."

    He looked miserable and sad, but also..hopeful? He wrapped your arm in the towel once again. You were more aware of what was around you now so you looked around your apartment building and then once again back at Jack.

    "Can...can you..talk n-now?" You nodded and tried to sit up, this time he helped you sit up. "W-Why did y-you d-d-do t-that?" You wanted to cry again, but you held it in. "I w-w-wanted to d-die!" he just looked at you, dumbfounded. "But why?!" He grabbed your shoulders gently and slightly hugged you. "Nobody s-should want teh die..."

    You listened to his words, but they didn't do anything. You still felt awful. You still wanted to just...leave. If this was..Jacksepticeye....then...you felt anger almost. "B-but, I..." you took a deep breath, "i just c-can't anymore, I-I'm s-such a fuck up." You said it so easily. "E-even people o-online who don't k-know SHIT A-ABOUT ME SAY T-THAT!" You fell into his chest and he just hugged you, whispering small nothings into your ear, trying to calm you down. Once you were calmer, he looked at you and introduced himself after moments of silence. "Well, seeing as I'm a....a stranger who came into yer apartment.... my name's Sean, but..I go by Jack."

    "I know who you are..Jacksepticeye...I watch you and y-you're one of the reasons I haven't done...this before now..." You smiled a tiny bit but it was quickly gone.

    "M-my name's Y/N."

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