Am I a Fool?

20 1 5

(To my dearest, April)

Am I a fool for being determined? To keep trying to keep you with me through thick and thin? Each mile that separates us pains me enough, but I've never felt it as much as I have now.

Am I a fool for being passionate? To try and run towards you with no concern for myself? You've always been just out of reach, but recently there have been walls built. Walls that separate our touch and enclose me in darkness.

Am I a fool for trying? To try and overcome those walls to see your radiant light once more? My determination is my hammer and my passion, my chisel. With these in hand, I'm willing to break the walls and keep trying.

As long as you are...

Your word will either keep me going or give up all hope. I want to stay by your side as long as you stay by mine, but if not... if not, then I just don't know. If you say yes, then I'll always be by your side, my determination and passion, my sword and shield. If you say no, then I'll just be a fool who dies alongside it.

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