And there was only one thing that came to mind, which would involve a trip back to the Peach Grove.  And with so little time, he had to leave immediately.  If he left now, it would be quite late at night, so he should not have any problems running into Zhe Yan or Bai Zhen.  

Looking around to make sure he was completely alone and unseen, he returned to his true form with his powers fully open, before leaving in a puff of silvery gold smoke.


Bai Qian and Mo Yuan arrived at the Peach Tree Grove at the exact same time but at opposite ends.  It was late at night, and no one was around.  Making their way quickly, they only had minutes to spare in order to be back in the mortal realm in time, neither wanting to lose more than a day.

Making their way quickly to the center of the grove where Zhe Yan kept his contraceptive peach trees, of which there were many, they quickly gathered as many peaches as they could carry in their sleeve pockets.

Suddenly Mo Yuan caught sight of movement from the corner of his eye.  Stopping he looked up and almost dropped the peaches in his hand when Bai Qian suddenly came into view, who also happened to look up.  As their eyes met, she stopped in her tracks unable to move.

Both of them realizing they were there for the same thing, Mo Yuan spoke first.  "Lets just pretend we didn't see each other." he suggested in that same soft voice the she remembered, the same voice that Jie spoke with.  

Stunned to see him there, and obviously for the same reason she was there, she had no idea how to answer him, but being the mischievous one out of the two of them, she could not help herself.  Taking a bite from the peach she had only moments ago tried to hide from him, she slowly walked towards him, with a glint in her eye, that he could not help but notice.

"Why?  We're both playing the field.  It's pointless hiding it." she said seductively as she slowly moved to stand just mere inches from his body, that had gone rigid under her glare.

Outraged that she would try to seduce him having just admitted to having an affair while still engaged to him, Mo Yuan lost his temper.  "Have you forgotten who you are?" he glared down angrily at her.  "And have you forgotten who you are talking to." he added, before forcefully shoving her aside to move past her.

But she was not having it.  Placing herself back in front of him she continued to walk towards him, forcing him to stumble back until he was hard up against one of the peach trees. Taking another bite of her peach, she smirked up at him. Then lifting her hand to his face, she lightly stroked his beard.  For some reason, it fascinated her.

 "Whats the matter Mo Yuan?" she said softly as she ran her other hand lightly down his sleeve and up into the inside to remove a peach from his inside pocket.  Holding it up in front of her, she took a bite out of that one too.  "Are you the only one that can have fun while I stay in Qing Qiu waiting for you?" she asked bringing herself hard up against him.  "How terribly old fashioned." she laughed taking another bite as she watched his anger rise as she continued to stroke his beard.

Snatching her hand that held the peach he pulled her in even closer until his lips were almost on hers.  To Bai Qian. his eyes looked exceptionally dangerous as she swallowed back the peach in her mouth quickly.  Then running her tongue across her top lip suggestively she smirked up at him as her body shook with silent laughter at his sudden anger.  

Suddenly, without warning, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off the ground before she felt herself being transported under a haze of silvery gold smoke.  Within seconds, her feet once again felt hard ground under her, and as she looked around, she realized she was back in the Mortal Realm, in the forest on the outskirts of her little town.  

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