I answered while I walked Tee over to the huge king-sized bed still wrapped snugly around him.

I let myself fall on the bed with him on top of me...taking in the full brunt of his weight. I stared at him deeply, noticing how handsome he looks this closely hovering over my face.

I rolled us swiftly around until I was the one on top.

"Would you like to undress or should I do it for you?" I asked while staring at him with heavy-lidded eyes.

I sensed his hesitation - this is the first time that we will make love leisurely and in broad daylight, without the sense of urgency that oftentimes accompanied our trysts because we are always under time pressure - quick dates in between work appointments, stolen moments during fanmeeting downtimes and hurried visitations to my apartment for fear of people seeing him leaving or arriving.

He fumbled around for a bit, undecided before he said decisively, "I will do it."

I rose to my knees and sat back to give him enough space to move around. We have already taken off our footwear when we entered the suite - in his case his ever present Adidas sandals while mine were my favorite pair of tennis shoes.

His shaking fingers tightly grasped the hemline of his shirt and pulled it slowly up and over his head. Tee's torso is slightly muscled...I see a light sparse of hair on his chest, arrowing down his bellybutton to disappear down the waist band of his low slung, distressed jeans. But his white, translucent skin is what catches my full attention.My boy is sooo white and smooth that my mouth waters with hunger just imagining what he would look like covered with my marks.

I want to see bite marks along his long white neck...I want bruises scattered around his hips and inner thighs and I want his rounded ass to bear the imprint of my hand, rosy red for all the love slaps I will dealt it.

My fantasy took a more perverted turn when I saw his zipper eased down and his thumbs hooked on the waist band of his shorts and jeans as he slowly eased them down his hips and long legs. I see his groin covered with wiry pubic hair - carpeting around his pinkish cock and trailing down his inner thighs and my mouth watered at the sight of such loveliness.

When I raised my head I saw him blushing furiously.

"P'Tae is a pervert!"

"Well yes I am...when it comes to you, nong."I agreed with a smirk.

He kicked his shorts and jeans off and he half laid down and half sat against the headbord. His hands are restless - tugging at the bed covers and clutching at the pillows behind him.

"Isn't it your turn now, P'?"

"What did I tell you about honorifics?"

"Ermmmmm that it ends when the clothes come off."

I gestured at his nakedness and winked.

"Okay...okay..pee- I mean Tae...it's your turn now."

I undressed faster than I ever did before, forgoing seduction for speed because, frankly, my cock is about to drill a hole thru my jeans. I have been ready since he took off his shirt.

I pounced at him playfully and rolled us around the bed until he was on top of me. We stared at each other silently, challengingly. I feel his hardness poking against my stomach and I think mine is drooling mess against his navel.

I waited for him to make the first move, knowing that Tee is not someone who likes to be rushed. Slowly he lowered his lips to mine,his eyes closing instinctively, his lashes a rich dark fan against his lower lids.

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