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"Ok ok we're on our way" I said hanging up the phone. 

Audrey had already gotten Joslyn ready to go as soon as I got the call. We rushed out of the door and down to the car.

When we got there, there were already cops and paramedics everywhere. 

"Crap" I ran out of the car, Audrey and the baby close behind. 

"Boys!" I saw Ethan and Grayson at the end of a hallway, devastated looks in their eyes. 

I hugged Ethan, and noticed they had both been crying. 

"Dead on arrival" he whispered.

My heart sunk. 

"How?" I said, holding a hand on my chest.

"Overdose" Grayson said. 

Audrey caught up. 

"Daddy!!" Joslyn said, reaching for him. 

"Come here" he said, taking her and holding her tight. 

He was hurting. He lost a friend.


Teagan was the only thing running through my head. How was this situation going to be given to her?

"Do you need one of us to go get T from school?" Audrey asked. 

"They won't let us" I sighed. 

"What? Why?" Kyra asked frantically.

"The police are going to get her, they just kept saying  she's not my child and I have no right to have her, I was sick of arguing with them" I took a deep breath. 

"So what can we do?" Audrey asked. 

"Go home and wait for news" Grayson wiped what was left of his tears. 


Eventually we got ourselves together and made it home. 

"All of her stuff is still here" I sniffled. 

"They'll be here for it later, I overheard the officers" Grayson told me. 

"Ok well you guys can stay if you want" Kyra welcomed them. 

"Nah its ok, we have to get Jordy from school, plus I kinda just wanna be alone, finding someone in that condition really changes a person" Grayson said, his voice cracking. 

"Alright well we'll see you guys soon" I said, hugging Gray, Audrey, and Joslyn. 


I didn't move from the couch all day. Why did all of these tragedies happen to me? 

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" Kyra said, knowing I hardly had any energy. 

I turned to the door to see not only an officer, but also Teagan. 

"Ethan" she cried, running towards me. 

"Shorty" I said, beginning to cry myself. 

"They won't tell me what happened to mommy" she cried. 

"Everything is gonna be ok" I cried. 

"Ethan you never lie to me" she sobbed. 

"Everything is gonna be ok" my voice cracked and I hugged her.

She just cried.

"Where are they taking me?" she asked. 

I could hear the fear in her voice and it broke my heart.

"I don't know exactly, but wherever it is, you'll be safe, I promise" I looked her in the eyes. 

"I wanna stay here" she began to cry more.

"I know, I know, I'm trying sweetheart, I'm trying my best trust me" I broke down.  

"Times up" the man said, grabbing Teagan's hand. She began to cry even louder. 

"Listen to me, I love you, I'll see you soon I promise" I tried to hug her again. 

"Sir please step away from the child" the man yelled, and pulled her from me. 

I looked and saw Kyra who was balling in the corner. 

"I love you" Teagan said to us as she was pulled out of our apartment. 

And that was it. They took all of her belongings and left. I had no way of knowing where she was going or when I would see her next. I finally decided to man up and suddenly I realized my only option. 

"Get the lawyer on the phone, we're getting that kid" 

soooo i decided to post it all at once, so here ya go! enjoy ~Becca

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