Chapter 1

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(3rd person POV)

"Hey babe, do you think you could help me?" Waverly was in the bathroom when she heard her girlfriend, Nicole, ask the question from the bedroom. "I have to be honnest, I normally just wear the clip on bows and ties. I've never had to actually tie one of these damn things" came from the room again. Waverly chuckled to herslef and walked out of the bathroom after giving one last pop of her lips to make sure that her lipstick looked good. When she stepped out of the room she was met with a sight that she didn't get to see often, but when she did, it blew her mind every single time. 

Nicole Haught in a slim fit suit that fit her in all the right places. Nicole was leaning against the doorway that lead to the small hallway and then down to the first floor. When she noticed Wavelry staring she began to blush and gave a small smile while droping her head. Waverly loved that even after a year, she could still make Nicole blush just by looking at her. It made her fall in love with the woman even more and she didn't even think it was possible. 

"You look amazing baby. Now come here and let me tie that bow for you so we can start heading out." Waverly said as she walked towards the red head, her smile not faultering a bit as Nicole pushed off the doorway and met her with a soft kiss, Nicoles hands grabbing her waist. After the sort kiss was over, she turned waverly and hugged her from behind, whispering in her ear with a smile.

"You know, you look just as amazing baby. You never cease to stun me no matter what you have on." Nicole said softly, a small cocky grin forming as she those last few words, and then looking lost in thought. Waverly gave a small sigh and closed her eyes for a second, soaking in Nicoles words. But, she knew that they had to go or they would be late, and Waverly Earp did not like to be late.

"We will have plenty of time for me to stun you later, but if we don't get going we are going to be late to the party." And with that, Waverly twisted in Nicoles grasp, the taller girls hands falling back to Waverly's waist and the younger Earp reached up to tie the simple black bow around her girlfriends neck.

She gave the ends a quick tug when she was done to make sure that it was set in place and when she was done she gave a simple "There" and looked up into her girlfriends eyes. 

"Thanks babe." Nicole smiled. After taking eachother in just one last time, Nicole took a small breath in and let it back out. "Ready to go babe? I know you don't like to be late." Nicole asked, her brown eyes light and happy. Waverly knew that Nicole loved her simply by just looking at her and it made her heart feel like it was going to burst. Waverly Earp has lived in a hell, both figurativly and literally, her whole life in Purgatory and Nicole was one of the few people that kept her sane while dealing with the Earp curse. She was glad that she had someone who would always have her back no matter how many problems they faced. 

"Yeah baby, lets get going. It's a warmer night," Waverly stated "do you want to take the jeep or your squad car?" 

"Let's go ahead and take my squad car. If I need to, I can turn on my lights to make sure we get there on time and we don't want the wind to mess up that beautful hair of yours either." Nicole chuckled and picked up her keys from the bed side table, grabbed Waverly's hand, and pulled her down the stairs and out the front door.

"Ten bucks says Wynonna is already there and already drunk." Nicole teased as she turned on the car and pulled out of the Homestead.

"Knowing Wynonna she probably showed up to the party drunk. You know Wynonna, she's never been one to dress up and drink Champagne." Waverly stated. She turned on the radio and grasped Nicole's hand as they drove in a comfrtable silence through the warm summer night.

(Bolded sections of writing were written after pictures.

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Second Bold:

I hope you enjoy they story! All credit for pictures goes to @ScaryKrystal on twitter! (If you have trouble finding them on twitter, please let me know so I can give correct credit!) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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