Back in the Good Old Days

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"Are we there yet mamma?" "Almost Aria,do you have to go to the bathroom?" That's me, Aria I was a really strange child when I was 5. It was my birthday and we were going to our new house,more like a mansion. Back then I had 5 brothers and 6 sisters and lucky me I had a twin brother that we were going to meet at the mansion because his adopted family said that he was "strange". "And we have arrived!" Dad said. That's when I saw Allen for the first time in 5 years. Soon all of the kids piled out of the car and ran inside to choose all of their bedrooms. That's when my mother and father yelled STOP! Mom said that she and dad will choose who sleeps in what room,and of course I got a room with my twin brother Allen because my parents even said that both of us were strange.

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