My head turned when I heard Xan making noises.  Sitting up he blinked up at me, "Daddy."

"Hi little man."  I lifted him up placing kisses all over him.  He is my boy.  Xan looked at Ally, "Mommy has an owie."

I frowned, "Mommy is a little hurt but she will wake up soon."

Xan turned to Charlie, "Daddy Charlie."

It upset me to see my son call another man daddy but what can I say when he had watched Xan for the first two years of his life.

Charlie took Xan from me while he and Colton started having a conversation of their own.  I on the other hand pulled up a chair, sat down next to Ally and held her hand, "Wake up baby girl."  Looking at her lifeless got my heart torn.  I will never leave her again.  I don't care if the world is collapsing, she is never leaving my sight.

A knock was sounded at the door pulling me out of my thoughts when two police officer came in.

All of us looked in shock, "Hey man, I didn't do anything wrong this time."  Colton held two hands up as if he was surrendering.

One of the police officer cocked an eyebrow, "Have you done anything wrong."

"Well if you're not here for me then I'm just going to step outside."  Colton excuse himself.

"Same here."  Charlie took Xan out the door giving me privacy with the two cops.


"Mr. Reid." 

"Ah yes, I have a few questions for the patient but as I can see she is not yet awake."

"Questions, what sort of questions."

"Sorry sir but we are not at liberty to discuss."

"Well if these questions pertain to my wife that I am very much involve now tell me."  I demanded.

The second police officer stepped forward, "Does Ms. Campbell here have any enemies?"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Well it seems her accident was no accident.  We surveyed the CCTV footage and was able to get a clean shot of what caused the accidents.  We had looked at the license plate and one belonging to a Jacob Burt."

My fist clench trying not to make a scene.  The fucker almost took me family away permanently.  I should've let him rot in jail.  "Jacob Burt is my...uh...." how do I explain Serena, "friends brother."

The two officer had more questions which I answered truthfully or as best.  I had told them my connection and Ally's connection with them including the fact that Serena is the mother of my unborn baby.  If they will help me solve this case then I can have all the Burt family behind bars.

2:16 am.  That's what its read on my watch.  Charlie and Colton left hours ago, Xan is sleeping in the hospital crib while I was staring at Ally and lightly grazing her scratches.  Just then I seen her finger twitch and slowly her eyes opened. 

She's awake, finally I thought playing a kiss on her fore head.

"Baby girl, can you hear me?"  Ally looked around the room, looking for something.  Her eyes widen when she saw the crib.  Weakly lifting her arm up she pointed, "Xan."  Her voice a bit hoarse.  Probably dry so I reach for her water as she attempted to sit up, "Ally don't.."  Pressing the button for the bed so the head of the bed will prop Ally up then I gently help her take small sips of her water before she spoke much clearly this time, "Xan."

"He's fine, you protected him but now he's sleeping."

She smiled after knowing Xan was well but when her eyes locked with mine, her smile faded.

"Ally....are you okay should I get a doctor, are you hurt anywhere?... You have no idea how worried I was. To think I may have lost you or Xan." I kissed her hands, " I was babbling, I didn't care. She's awake, she's here and she's fine. "You are never to leave my sight ever again."

She blinked once and twice not answering any of my questions, "What happened?"

I proceeded to tell her all that I know starting from the petting zoo and I mean everything on why I was late and what transpired between me and Serena.

"So you didn't sleep with her?"

"What no, why would I do that?  I love you."

She finally smiled, "I love you to."

I didn't however tell her whose probably responsible, "Ally guess what?"


"You're two months pregnant."

She looked more shock than I was, "What?  Are you serious?"

I nodded my head and place my hand on her belly, she's completely mine now.

A smile formed on her perfect lips, "We're going to have a baby again."

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