Lord Kaname's Rules

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I appear right behind Lord Kaname after leaving my recent Heart Attack victims. I knew he wanted to talk to me, as Dorm President; it was his job to welcome the new students. A Blonde haired man was walking next to him. I smirk knowing very well, neither one of them knew I was behind them. "Hello boys!" I say getting their attention real quick. Both spin around. Lord Kaname is the first to speak. "Hello Amaya, nice to see you." Lord Kaname says. "Hiya!" I say smiling and waving. "I was just coming to get you. I figured you'd be tormenting Akatsuki and Hanabusa." he says. "You know me so well! What's your secret?" I ask already knowing. Him and I use to be childhood friends before I lost my brother Naoki. Naoki and I were orphans at age 9. 2 years later, Naoki was killed, and I was left on my own. From then until just recently, I kept away from everyone, choosing solitude. At least then, I wouldn't have gotten hurt. But it was too lonely of a life for me, so when I got the letter from Kaname; inviting me to attend Cross Academy, I didn't waste any time. Kaname chuckles. "Just a guess." he says. "Uh huh, sure it was." I say cocking an eyebrow. "So! Whatcha want with an Angel like me?" I ask. "Angel is not the word I would use to describe you." he says. I wink at him. "Anyhow, just wanted to tell you the rules of The Night Class." he says. "Ugh! There's rules? So annoying." I say crossing my arms. The Blonde haired man chuckles. "Who you laughing at Blondie?" I ask. The man stops laughing and clears his throat. "Must you act tough with everyone Amaya? Takuma isn't use to your...personality yet." Kaname asks joking. I stick my tongue out at him. "My bad. Don't worry Takuma, I won't bite...much." I say. Kaname chuckles again. "Good girl. Now then, where were we...ah, yes the 'annoying' rules. Do not take blood from The Day Class Students. Do not tell anyone about your Vampire Lineage. That's all, you think you can handle them?" he asks teasing me like he did in the olden days. "Oh I don't know, they seem pretty tough, especially with me being a Social Butterfly who yaps about being a Vampire all the time. As for the blood, I'm a vegetarian. The only blood I take is Vampire and Animal." I say. Blood Tablets made me sick, so that too was out of the question. "Very well. I have other business to attend to so try to behave." he says. I narrow my eyes and smirk. "No promises." I say flashing fang as I smile. "Takuma, could you show her to her room please?" Kaname asks. Takuma nods and looks towards me. "Please follow me." he says. "Kaname I can't follow him, his formality is choking me to death." I say. "Amaya, don't be so difficult." Kaname says at the other end of the hallway. "Fine, but if he keeps being this formal all the time, I might have to put him out of his misery." I say. All I hear is Kaname chuckling.

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