work of art

24 5 0

4:28 a.m.

your emptiness.

i notice.

i don't particularly understand but i notice.

and i'll probably never understand.

your messy hair and gooey honey eyes make me sick but in a good way.

but you're toxic.

you're environmentally unsafe.

i notice your strange loneliness and how you space out your eyes glazed and empty.

you could be just high.

you aren't a good person and i want to stay away from you.

you have me falling effortlessly like a toddler tripping over her own two feet.

my hands feel paralyzed on my lap and i can't reach out far enough to touch you.

the warmth of your skin, the color of your eyes, the sound of your breathing when you're sleeping, the sound of your voice tickling my ears.

your hands are still covering my eyes and all i can see right now is darkness and the warmth of your hands and the feel of your cold fingertips.

sometimes when you ignore me.

i trick myself into thinking that i'll finally get over you.

but you still take me to your best friends house and show me the artificial stars you two glued on the walls.

please don't make me feel special.

i'm weak to that kind of stuff.

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