Act 3

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Yuu's POV

I woke up the next morning with a slight pain on my back. I stretched my back, hoping that the pain will go away, It didn't! I groaned as I got up and started the shower.

So far my morning was the worst! I accidentally slipped when I was in the bathroom. I accidentally bit my tongue while I was eating and my comb Couldn't even brush my hair. I made it to the office at exactly 5:58 am. I walked to his office and knocked on his door. No answer. 'Weird, the door is unlocked.' I didn't mind it and headed in the room. I heard SHUFFLING and WEIRD NOISES coming from a door on my right. I slowly and quietly tiptoed to the door.

I opened the door quietly. "S-sorry." I shut the door and ran out of the office.

(To not be unfair let me tell you what Yuu saw.
It was his BOSS!!!! He was on top of her. The lady looked like she was 20. She had blond hair, that's all he could remember. )

I mean like she's pretty,but, bro sex, early in the morning. I checked my watch, I sighed. It was 6:09, I have to start my work late. After about 2 mins, the door opened, it was the asshole! I stood up. "Good morning, I'm sorry I ran into both of you getting it on, but, I came here for my job. My work has been stalled for about...... 11 minutes." I said to him. ' nice formal shit.' I thought to myself. "Sorry about that, but, please do come in." He motioned me to come in. I stood in front of his desk as he walked to sit down on it. I looked over to his left, it was the girl! That bitch- those bitches who made me start my work late. But who was she and he?! I remember the first time I met him! He fucking kissed my virgin lips! Yes, that was my first kiss. You can call me cherry boy if you want because, I'm proud of being one. He looked at me. 'WHAT the fuck are you staring at?!' I thought to my self as I glared at him.

"Oh right, I almost forgot to introduce you. Mitsuba, Yuichiro. Oh and I'm Mikaela Shindo." He said as he took his hand out hoping I would shake it. 'Fuck no.' I ignored him and went straight to my question. " Nice to meet you. Um........ For work, what do you want me to do MR.Shindo?" I asked. He thought if what I had to do, after a few minutes he gave me a long list of duties. How can I do this?! I'm a fucking human, not a robot! I turned around and started doing my first task.

(Let me show you the list.)

Make breakfast. 6:30-6:45
Set the table. 6:45-6:50
Change the bed sheets. 6:50- 7:15
Clean the table. 7:15- 7:25
Wash the dishes. 7:25-7:40
Arrange my files. 7:40- 11:05 ( note: he has a lot of files that it would take 3 hours to fix.)
Bring me coffee. 11:06- 11:09
Help the other servants pick my clothes. 11:09- 11:25
Give me my lunch. 11:30- 11:45
----your lunch break------- 11:45- 12:00
Make my snack. 12:05- 12:10
Go with me to my meetings
12:10 - 3:50 (he has a lot of meetings.)
Photo shooting. 3:55- 5:30
Organize tomorrow's plans. 5:30-5:45
Dinner 5:45- 6:00
Prepare my Pajamas 6:00- 6:05
Fix my scattered files. 6:05- 6:30
-------Go home. 6:30
( Lol! Good luck Yuu.)

Why me? I fried eggs and bacon in the pan. The waffles were baking as I prepared them. I looked at my watch, '6:40', earlier than I expected, I set the table and put the waffles on their plates with some bacon and one egg. I put the maple syrup on the table and poured some orange juice in the two glasses. '6:45', I made it. " Breakfast is served!" I said in a loud voice for them to hear. The couple walked in with there fingers clasped with the other person's. I cringed at them. "Anyway, I'll be changing your sheets so if you need me I'll be in your room." I said as I walked away, it's not like they payed attention to me, I didn't mind, I don't even want to be here. I went to the room, it was like a wild boar had been here. There are so many clothes scattered on the floor, cum on the sheets, closet was not organized. What a mess! I sighed and check my schedule. I had to finish this from 6:46 - 7:15. I finished the other job earlier so , yeah. I started ripping off the sheets and changed them into the new green ones. I picked up the clothes and dropped them in the laundry basket. I organized the closet and vacuumed the floor. I didn't forget about putting some good fragrances in the room. 'phew! Finished!' I looked at my watch '7:10' I went out of the room to find that they were kissing somewhere near the corner. I believed they saw me. "No need to stop, go on, don't mind me." I said as I made my way to the table and cleaned it. I washed the dishes and by the time I finished it was 7:35. It was the longest work to do next, I had to fix his files. I went to his other office (he has two offices, one for meeting people and one for private work.) His office looked like there was a tornado that passed by. I picked up the files and the papers and started to clean the mess.

----------- a few hours later-----------------

I finished dusting the shelves and organising everything! 11:01, I went to fetch his coffee. "Hello! Are you new here?" A girl asked. She had purple hair with a ribbon on the back of her head. "Yes." I said as she took her hand out. "Shinoa Hiragi, but please call me Shinoa." I shook her hand, "Yuichiro Hyakuya or you could just call me Yuu." I said with a smile.
I looked at my watch 11:07. "Sorry but I have to go back to work." I said. "No probs, I'll meet you when it's lunch." She waved goodbye and started walking away. I went back to the office and placed the coffee on the table.
'Not here?' I was left in these office. I sighed, work was boring , except the part I me a new friend.

The door bursted open. There were two boys who I think we're here to pick his clothes. I greeted them. "Hello, I'm Yuichiro, please call me Yuu." I said as the guy with brown hair and another shade of green eyes. "Hi, I'm Yoichi and this guy beside me is kimizuki." I looked at the guy. He had pink hair and glasses. "Anyway, come here, the Mr. Shindo I think is waiting for his clothes." I said as I opened the closet. After 3 minutes of picking the clothes I told them to meet me during lunch.

They left me alone in the office. I started preparing the bath, even if I was not told to do so,but, bro, I'm bored. I heard a ring on the door. I ran to the door and opened to reveal noone but my boss and mitsuba. "I am expecting a 'welcome back' from you." He snarled at me. "W-welcome back." I said as I bowed my head down. He nodded and Mitsuba started whispering to him and chuckled. I am so going to kill the piece of shit. How dare she talk about me! I went to the kitchen and made some roasted chicken and some mashed potatoes. I poured water into their glasses. "Lunch is ready." I said as they entered the kitchen. "I'm famished." Mr. Shindo said as he sat on his chair. Mitsuba kissed him and said "I bet I can cook better." My boss chuckled and said, " you don't have to cook, you're already better than this meal." Mitsuba blushed. I cringed. '11:45' my break! "Excuse me, i am sure it is my lunch break. May have it?" I asked , they looked at me and said. "Sure! Just comeback to fix this table." I walked out to the canteen as I spotted a purple haired girl with the glasses guy and the brown haired guy. I picked up my meal and went to the table. Finally, my time with my new friends!


Arikarin: I'm glad I'm done.

Yuu: took you long enough!* Crosses his arms*

Mika: Yuu-chan, don't be mad, she just got writer's block.*hugs Yuu*

Yuu: if you say so.

Arikarin:holy shit. My life is ending.

Mika:*kisses Yuu on the cheek* Yuu- Chan you're so cute!

Yuu:*blushes* I love you.

Mika: love you more

Arikarin: I want this to be the last thing I see before I die. *More Nosebleed and tears.*


I hope you don't get mad for a slow update. Sorry guys. I'll do better to update daily.

. Love ya'll,

Irresistible (Abandoned)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें