Part 10

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"I know this church is a dark place. But I feel like they didn't even try to brighten it up", Klaus said as he looked around, he saw guests chat with each other. And Jackson impatiently waiting at the altar.

"Look at him, poor lad", Klaus murmured and he touched Camille to get her attention. "It seems like he's gonna pee his pants", he laughed mockingly.

"I don't understand it, why aren't they here yet", Cami said anxious, ignoring klaus' remarks.

"Calm down love, I don't understand why you're troubling yourself so much in the first place.", Klaus said taking her hand and squeezing it.

"Elijah and Hayley are both not here yet Klaus, the wedding should've started 5 minutes ago.",

"They just needed their goodbye kisses, I'm sure they'll be here shortly, love.", Klaus murmured.

Camille looked at him "why do you say that?",

"Well it's obvious now, isn't it love? It was very obvious to my supernatural hearing last night", Klaus smirked.

"You knew?!", Cami exclaimed her eyes widening.

"Of course I knew sweetheart. I didn't close my eyes for a second last night. I thought they were finally done after three times. But no, they had to start again. Two times to be precise.",

"You knew!", Cami said again. "You knew and you didn't tell me anything, knowing I was going to her room, knowing what I would encounter there.", she punched him hard on his arm.

"Auwwh!", Klaus forced out between a laugh.

"Asshole!", she said, punching him again before turning away crossing her arms over her chest. She looked away sternly.

"Oh come on, love. As if this wedding isn't already depressing enough as it is.", Klaus said, turning her head towards him. His fingers lingering on her chin.

But as soon as Klaus spoke the words Cami's eyes shot to the door that opened and everyone in the church fell silent.

The music started playing, performed by a poor band from the New Orleans streets.

Elijah came striding in, the beautiful bride by his side, her arm tightly clang to his own.

"You're a dick, Elijah Mikaelson." Hayley whispered as she took in the sight of Jackson.

"How nice of you", Elijah chuckled.

"Your suit is 10 times nicer than his. As if this isn't difficult enough for me.",

"Well, I'm sorry.", he said as the gentleman he was. "However I can't help that he dresses so poorly",

"Elijah.." She trailed off, "wait for me", she whispered, she looked at him, unshed tears glittering in her eyes.

Elijah nodded looking at her reassuring, "I promise",

They reached Jackson, and Hayley reluctantly let go of Elijah's arm. He took place next to Jackson's best man.

Hayley turned towards Jackson, he smiled at her. She send a fake smile in return to him. Deeply sighing inside.

"We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Hayley and Jackson as they exchange vows of their everlasting love," the priest said beginning his speech.

Hayley swallowed thickly as she took in the words, as did Elijah.

Cami frowned in sympathy as she looked at Elijah. "Why is he doing this to himself", she sighed as she tightened her grip around klaus' arm.

"No one knows, love.", he said shaking his head. "No one knows."

"I'll ask you, Jackson, and you, Hayley, to face each other and take each other's hands.", the priest continued.

"Jackson, will you take Hayley to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you be faithful through good and bad times, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?",

Jackson smiled at Hayley before he spoke "I will.",

"Hayley, will you take Jackson to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you be faithful through good and bad times, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?",

She looked in Elijah's direction, He gave her a mere glance before he looked down, feeling the unshed tears in eyes burning. He knew she needed his support for this, but letting her see him in this state, it would only make it worse.

Hayley looked at Jackson's expecting face. "Jackson...", she trailed off.

"I'm sorry I can't",

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